
Bonus Video | SO WHAT? Temple Theology in the Book of Mormon, Mike with The Stick of Joseph & David Butler

Mike on the Overall Structure of the Book of Mormon – Podcast Ep 246
Mike on the Overall Structure of the Book of Mormon – Podcast Ep 246 Show Notes

Introductory Pages of the Book of Mormon – Podcast Ep 247
Introductory Pages of the Book of Mormon – Podcast Ep 247 Show Notes

BONUS VIDEO | The Mosiah First Translation of the Book of Mormon with Hayden and Jackson Paul

The Book of Mormon Witnesses

Timeline of the Book of Mormon Translation

Ep 230 BONUS VIDEO | Was Jesus DELETED from the Old Testament?
Was Jesus Edited From the Old Testament? Ep 230 BONUS VIDEO Show Notes

1 Nephi

1 Nephi 1-5 – Podcast Ep 248
1 Nephi 1-5 – Podcast Ep 248 Show Notes

Teaching correct principles

The Supremacy of The Book of Mormon

Early Christianity and 1 Nephi 13-14 – Stephen Robinson

The influence of the Elohist on the Brass Plates 

What priesthood did the Nephites hold?

Nephi’s Political Testament

1 Nephi 1.1 The Mysteries of God

1 Nephi 1.2 – The Sacred nature of Puns in Scripture

Was Jesus Edited From the Old Testament?

1 Nephi 6-10 – Podcast Ep 249
1 Nephi 6-10 – Podcast Ep 249 Show Notes

1 Nephi 2 – Lehi’s sacrifice in the wilderness, Deuteronomy 12, and the Temple Scroll

1 Nephi 2-7 What are those sacrifices Lehi is offering in the wilderness?

1 Nephi 8 – The Vision of the Tree of Life

1 Nephi 8 & 11 – Another way to see the Tree of Life

1 Nephi 8 & 11 – The Foundation Stone and the Sacred Waters of the Temple

1 Nephi 11-15 – Podcast Ep 250
1 Nephi 11-15 – Podcast Ep 250 Show Notes

1 Nephi 11-14 A Charted Summary

1 Nephi 11-14 – An overview of Nephi’s vision

1 Nephi 16-22 – Podcast Ep 251
1 Nephi 16-22 – Podcast Ep 251 Show Notes

1 Nephi 20-21, First Israelite Temple Drama
1 Nephi 20-21, First Israelite Temple Drama – Show Notes

Overview of the First Israelite Temple Drama

1 Nephi 16.18 – Steel in the Book of Mormon

1 Nephi 16 – Great question

1 Nephi 17:2 Raw Meat in the Wilderness 

1 Nephi 18 – Were the Lehites alone when they arrived in the Americas?

1 Nephi 18.25; Enos 1.21; Alma 18.9-10, 12… Horses! Is this an anachronism in the Book of Mormon?

2 Nephi

2 Nephi 1-2 – Podcast Ep 252
2 Nephi 1-2 – Podcast Ep 252 Show Notes

Questions about 2 Nephi 5:21 & 3 Nephi 2:14-15

2 Nephi 5.21, (Jacob 3.5, 8-9; Alma 3.5-6; 3 Nephi 2.14-15) – Skins as garments in the Book of Mormon – by Ethan Sproat

2 Nephi 2 The Fall of Adam and Eve

2 Nephi 2 – The Power to Act

2 Nephi 4 – Lehi Blesses his Children & Degrees of Difficulty

2 Nephi 4.15-35 – The Psalm of Nephi as an Ancient Near Eastern Text

2 Nephi 5.4-6 – All those that would go with me – Book of Mormon and DNA Studies

2 Nephi 5:16 The Nephite Temple and the Ark

2 Nephi 5:21 – White, fair and delightsome

2 Nephi 3-5 – Podcast Ep 253
2 Nephi 3-5 – Podcast Ep 253 Show Notes

2 Nephi 6-10 – Podcast Ep 254
2 Nephi 6-10 – Podcast Ep 254 Show Notes

2 Nephi 6-10/Isaiah 50-51, The Israelite Autumn Festivals & Covenant Speeches of Jacob

2 Nephi 9 – The Personification of Death & Hell

2 Nephi 9 – The ways of life and death

2 Nephi 10 – The name “Christ” is revealed to Jacob

2 Nephi 11-19 – Podcast Ep 255.1
2 Nephi 11-19 – Podcast Ep 255.1 Show Notes

2 Nephi 16, Isaiah’s Call – VIDEO Ep 255.2
2 Nephi 16, Isaiah’s Call – VIDEO Ep 255.2 Show Notes

2 Nephi 20-25 – Podcast Ep 256.1
2 Nephi 20-25 – Podcast Ep 256 Show Notes

Mike’s 6 Minute Overview of 2 Nephi 20-25 – VIDEO Ep 256.2
Mike’s 6 Minute Overview of 2 Nephi 20-25 – VIDEO Ep 256.2 Show Notes

Nephi’s use of Isaiah in the Book of Mormon

Nephi’s 12 predictions in 2 Nephi 25

Ten keys to understanding Isaiah

2 Nephi 26-30 – Podcast Ep 257
2 Nephi 26-30 – Podcast Ep 257 Show Notes

2 Nephi 28 – Nephi’s use of the word Church

Angels speak the words of Christ

2 Nephi as a Legal Document, Mike with Dr. Martin Evans – VIDEO Ep 258
2 Nephi as a Legal Document, Mike with Dr. Martin Evans – VIDEO Ep 258 Show Notes

2 Nephi 31-33 – Podcast Ep 259
2 Nephi 31-33 – Podcast Ep 259 Show Notes


Easter – The Magnificent Messiah – VIDEO Ep 260

Easter – Mary Magdalene with Mandy Green – Ep 45
Episode 45 Show Notes


Jacob and his descendants as authors – Jacob’s writing style

Jacob 1-4 – Podcast Ep 261
Jacob 1-4 – Podcast Ep 261 Show Notes

Jacob 2 – Reading Jacob 2 in its historical context

Jacob 5-7 – Podcast Ep 262
Jacob 5-7 – Podcast Ep 262 Show Notes

Jacob 5 – The Allegory of the Olive Tree

Jacob 5 – The Allegory of the Olive Tree (part 2)

Jacob 7 – Anti-Christs in the Book of Mormon (chart)

Enos, Jarom, Omni, Words of Mormon

Enos, Jarom, Omni, Words of Mormon – Podcast Ep 263
Enos, Jarom, Omni, Words of Mormon – Podcast Ep 263 Show Notes

Enos – My soul hungered

Enos’ wrestle with God and its connnection to the Old Testament

Jarom & Omni

Omni 1.26 – Complete Surrender


Mosiah Overview – Podcast Ep 264
Mosiah Overview – Podcast Ep 264 Show Notes

Mosiah: A peculiar book

Mosiah 1-3 – Podcast Ep 265
Mosiah 1-3 – Podcast Ep 265 Show Notes

Mosiah 4-6 – Podcast Ep 266
Mosiah 4-6 – Podcast Ep 266 Show Notes

Mosiah 1-6 – Kingship, Coronation, and Covenant – Stephen Ricks

King Benjamin and the Feast of Tabernacles – John Tvedtnes

What was a “Mosiah”? מֹושִׁיעַ

Mosiah 1-6 King Benjamin’s Sermon part 1

Mosiah 1-6 King Benjamin’s Sermon part 2

Mosiah 3.19 – Chiastic Format

Mosiah 3:19 – Make changes today!

Mosiah 3:19 – Natural is not always desirable

Mosiah 4 – A sense of your nothingness

Mosiah 5.8 – There is no other name given

Mosiah 7-10 – Podcast Ep 267
Mosiah 7-10 – Podcast Ep 267 Show Notes

Mosiah 7.30-32 – The East Wind and the Brass Plates

Mosiah 11-17 – Podcast Ep 268
Mosiah 11-17 – Podcast Ep 268 Show Notes

Mosiah 15-16 – Christology

Mosiah 18-24 – Podcast Ep 269
Mosiah 18-24 – Podcast Ep 269 Show Notes

Mosiah 18 – Where did Alma get his authority?

More on the Practice of Nephite Baptism

Mosiah 21 – Repeating the same mistake

Mosiah 21-24 – The Lord will strengthen us

Mosiah 25-28 – Podcast Ep 270
Mosiah 25-28 – Podcast Ep 270 Show Notes

Mosiah 25-28

Mosiah 27 – Hope for parents of wayward children

Mosiah 29 – Alma 4 – Podcast Ep 271
Mosiah 29 – Alma 4 – Podcast Ep 271 Show Notes

Mosiah 29 – The Book of Mormon on monarchies


Mosiah 29 – Alma 4 – Podcast Ep 271
Mosiah 29 – Alma 4 – Podcast Ep 271 Show Notes

Alma 1-3 – Nehor, the Church, and the Amlicite wars

Alma 5-7 – Podcast Ep 272
Alma 5-7 – Podcast Ep 272 Show Notes

Alma 5-7 Two Sermons, two types of people

Alma 8-12 – Podcast Ep 273
Alma 8-12 – Podcast Ep 273 Show Notes

Alma 13-16 – Podcast Ep 274
Alma 13-16 – Podcast Ep 274 Show Notes

Alma 13 – Talents in the pre-earth life

Alma 13 – Melchizedek, Kingship, Psalm 110, and Jesus Christ

Text of 11Q13 – The Melchizedek Document

Alma 14 – The problem of evil in the Book of Mormon

Alma 14 – Suffering

Alma 17-22 – Podcast Ep 275
Alma 17-22 – Podcast Ep 275 Show Notes

Alma 18.7 – A Practice of Plunder Among Them

Alma 19 & 22 – Trances in the Book of Alma

Alma 21 – What didn’t work

Alma 22.32 – A Day and a Half’s Journey

Alma 22.27-34 – Geography and the Plan of Salvation 

Alma 23-29 – Podcast Ep 276
Alma 23-29 – Podcast Ep 276 Show Notes

The Amulonites – A Timeline

Alma 29 – Life is what you make it!

Alma 30-31 – Podcast Ep 277
Alma 30-31 – Podcast Ep 277 Show Notes

Alma 30 – Alma versus Korihor

Anti-Christ: A Mirror Image

Alma 30.44 – The Anthropic Principle

Alma 32-35 – Podcast Ep 278
Alma 32-35 – Podcast Ep 278 Show Notes

Alma 34:34 – That Same Spirit

Alma 36-38 – Podcast Ep 279
Alma 36-38 – Podcast Ep 279 Show Notes

Alma 36 – Analyzing the text, a short primer on chiasmus

Alma 36-40 – Principles of effective parenting

Alma 37 as a Temple Text

Alma 37.23 – Gazelem

Alma 39-42 – Podcast Ep 280
Alma 39-42 – Podcast Ep 280 Show Notes

Alma 39 – The Law of Chastity

Alma 40-41 – The resurrection and justice

Alma 42 – Why did Jesus have to suffer, bleed, and die?

Alma 43-52 – Podcast Ep 281
Alma 43-52 – Podcast Ep 281 Show Notes

Alma 43 – Standing for truth

Alma 43 – Deception

Alma 43-63 – The war chapters

Alma 46-48 – The power of one

Alma 48 – Wisdom: a proper balance

Alma 48:11 – Tolkien quote

Alma 49-51 – Adapt or perish

Alma 50:30 The Tragedy of Abuse

Alma 53-63 – Podcast Ep 282
Alma 53-63 – Podcast Ep 282 Show Notes


Helaman 1-6 – Podcast Ep 283
Helaman 1-6 – Podcast Ep 283 Show Notes

Helaman 3 – The Nephite Cycle

Kingship, Temple, Authority: Powerful Symbols of God’s Presence in Helaman 3.27-30

Helaman 5.12 – The Foundation Stone and the Sacred Waters of the Temple

Helaman 7-12 – Podcast Ep 284
Helaman 7-12 – Podcast Ep 284 Show Notes

Helaman 12 – A Warning About Wealth

Helaman 13-16 – Podcast Ep 285
Helaman 13-16 – Podcast Ep 285 Show Notes

Helaman 15 – Did God hate the Lamanites?

3 Nephi, 4 Nephi

3 Nephi 1-7 – Podcast Ep 286
3 Nephi 1-7 – Podcast Ep 286 Show Notes

3 Nephi 3.1 – Lachoneus’ name in the Book of Mormon

3 Nephi 2:14-15 Their skin became white like unto the Nephites

3 Nephi 8-11 – Podcast Ep 287
3 Nephi 8-11 – Podcast Ep 287 Show Notes

Rebaptism in 3 Nephi

3 Nephi 12-16 – Podcast Ep 288
3 Nephi 12-16 – Podcast Ep 288 Show Notes

3 Nephi 12 – Jesus’ teaching on divorce

3 Nephi 17-19 – Podcast Ep 289
3 Nephi 17-19 – Podcast Ep 289 Show Notes

3 Nephi 20-26 – Podcast Ep 290
3 Nephi 20-26 – Podcast Ep 290 Show Notes

3 Nephi 20:15-16 As a lion among sheep teareth in pieces

3 Nephi 27-4 Nephi – Podcast Ep 291
3 Nephi 27-4 Nephi Podcast Ep 291 Show Notes


Mormon 1-6 – Podcast Ep 292
Mormon 1-6 – Podcast Ep 292 Show Notes

Mormon 5.22-24 – The Earth will be rolled as a scroll

Mormon 1-7 – How to be happy

Mormon 7-9 – Podcast Ep 293
Mormon 7-9 – Podcast Ep 293 Show Notes


Ether 1-5 – Podcast Ep 294
Ether 1-5 – Podcast Ep 294 Show Notes

Ether 2:12 – America is a choice land

Ether 6-11 – Podcast Ep 295
Ether 6-11 – Podcast Ep 295 Show Notes

Ether 12-15 – Podcast Ep 296
Ether 12-15 – Podcast Ep 296 Show Notes


Moroni 1-6 – Podcast Ep 297
Moroni 1-6 – Podcast Ep 297 Show Notes

Moroni 5 – That they do always remember him

Moroni 7-9 – Podcast Ep 298
Moroni 7-9 – Podcast Ep 298 Show Notes

Moroni 10 – Podcast Ep 299
Moroni 10 – Podcast Ep 299 Show Notes

Moroni 10 – Evidentiary Equilibrium

Moroni 10:4 – Ask if these things are not true?


Evidence of the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon

Anabasis and Catabasis in the Old Testament and The Book of Mormon

Is Satan necessary?

The Book of Mormon as a type

A scriptural search for the Lost Tribes and other things we lost

Temple Imagery in the Book of Mormon


  1. Will the complete content of Talking Scripture Book of Mormon remain available in 2021?

    1. Author

      Yes, I see us keeping this out there in the future. Glad you like the material!

  2. Mike, while researching the basic evolution of Torah, I was struck by the wiki- statement that Pre-exile it was forbidden to write down the theretofore strictly oral law. (So maybe the one book of the law found in the temple was at the beginning of the written law texts?) I assumed for the moment that the oral-only rule was true and it gave me a completely new view of the angel’s words to Nephi about the Bible containing “many plain and precious things” when it ‘proceeded forth from the MOUTH of a Jew’. The angel didn’t talk about plates or scrolls or sticks having plain and precious truths.
    Your comments about Deutoronomist editing came to mind. I can see how the older oral traditions may have contained truths regarding a god (Jehovah) who had revealed Himself in His spirit body to Moses and others and would take a corporal body when He came to ransom His people, etc.
    Thus, ‘from the mouth of a Jew’ may have been more literal than figurative. If the written Torah wasn’t completed until 200 CE as some think, Lehi and Nephi may have ‘oralistic’ as well as old school in their understanding of the Messiah.and His role. Has this oral tradition and “out of the mouth of a Jew” ever seemed connected to you?
    I enjoy the podcast immensely as does my sweetheart. Thanks to both of you for the insights you shared.
    Keven Hart

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