David B. Haight’s witness of The Book of Mormon Some members of the Church may remember Elder David B. Haight’s famous October 1989 General Conference talk in which he testified of marvelous visionary experiences. What most people are less familiar with is the later recounting by President Gordon B. Hinckley,Continue Reading

Joseph was elated when others were chosen by the Lord to be witnesses of the Book of Mormon. The following account tells of his relief: The following account from Lucy Mack Smith, Joseph Smith’s mother, describes how Joseph felt after the Three Witnesses had seen the plates: “When they returnedContinue Reading

See also: Joseph Smith used a Urim and Thummim to translate The Book of Mormon Joseph Smith used a seer stone to translate The Book of Mormon The box was filled with tinkertoys 1827 September 21, 1823 – Joseph meets Moroni. Joseph is 17 years old. September 22, 1827 –  JosephContinue Reading