These chapters are an excellent illustration of how to raise a righteous family in the midst of great spiritual wickedness. Mormon is an excellent model of how to do this. Bryce lays out the argument in our podcast that Mormon probably was working on his editing and constructing of theContinue Reading

Revelation, or the Apocalypse Ἀποκάλυψις  Martin Luther on the Book of Revelation The book of Revelation almost didn’t make it into the Christian bible! It certainly had things in it that did not make sense to Christians in the centuries after the death of the apostles! For example, the reformerContinue Reading

Temple Imagery in the Book of Mormon The word atonement appears only once in the New Testament, but 127 times in the Old Testament. . . . In the other Standard Works of the Church, atonement (including related terms atone, atoned, atoneth, atoning) appears 44 times, but only 3 timesContinue Reading