Show Notes: D&C 46-48 Quotes and Notes To enroll in an institute class, go to 00:31 – The gifts of the Spirit are scattered among each of us. 24:30 – Unto some it may be given all the gifts. 28:14 – Professional clergy versus a participatory church structure. 31:27Continue Reading

Commit Suicide to get to the telestial kingdom? It is not wisdom for us to understand the future, unless upon certain principles. Those principles are divine, and when we understand the future and eternity upon divine and holy principles, we are satisfied with our own existence, for we understand theContinue Reading

Recently several students have asked about suicide.  The questions are mostly asking how the Lord will judge those who take their own lives.  This and questions relating to how the Lord will judge us are common among the youth.  When Joseph Smith was 17 years old, he approached the LordContinue Reading