The apostle John describes a massive perfect cube coming out of heaven, joining earth. There is only one cube I know of from the Bible, and that is the Holy of Holies (Vulgate, “Sanctum Sanctorum”; Hebrew “Ḳodesh ha-Ḳodashim,” or, more fully, “Bet Ḳodesh ha-Ḳodashim”) as described in the Old Testament.Continue Reading

Moses 1; Abraham 3 – Podcast Moses 1; Abraham 3 Quotes and Notes How we got the Book of Moses, by Robert J. Mathews Book of Moses History of the Book of Moses, by Kent Jackson Moses 1 – Identity Gospel Doctrine notes on Moses 1 The Creation and AncientContinue Reading

I love this thought by Elder Oaks, and have found it true in my personal life: Going forward with our service and work is an important way to qualify for revelation. In my study of the scriptures I have noted that most revelation to the children of God comes whenContinue Reading

This excerpt from Mike Wilcox’s book “Who shall be able to stand: Finding personal meaning in the Book of Revelation” is just pure gold. He is a brilliant writer, if you haven’t read anything by him, you need to go and pick up one of his books. Revelation 12:6-13 VersesContinue Reading

John 20:22 “He breathed on them” President Harold B. Lee said the following about this statement: “He ‘breathed on them and said unto them, receive ye the Holy Ghost,’ (John 20:22) which in all likelihood was the confirmation and the commission to receive the Holy Ghost, or the baptism of theContinue Reading

Steadfast African Pioneer 1999 By Dale LeBaron, as found on See also: Our Heritage – A People Prepared: Joseph W. “Billy” Johnson  “As a young man, I started searching for spiritual peace,” says Joseph Johnson of his early religious searching in Ghana. “It was my prayer that the LordContinue Reading

This story is one of many inspiring stories from the book Faith in the Service:  Inspirational Stories from LDS Servicemen and Servicewomen, compiled by Chad S. Hawkins and published by Deseret Book.  This story comes from First Sergeant David Fillmore of the Utah Army National Guard. This is so inspiringContinue Reading

Amanda Barnes Smith Amanda Barnes Smith 1809-1886 Amanda Smith, a woman of great faith and a survivor of the Haun’s Mill massacre, was born Feb. 22, 1809, in the town of Becket, Beckshire county, Mass., daughter of Ezekiel and Fannie Barnes. While she was but a young girl she movedContinue Reading