D&C 6-9 Show notes Section 6-9 of the Doctrine and Covenants deal with how the Lord speaks to us, and how we can invite revelation. So much of these sections are about actual application and relevance, so we will start with these ideas in the show notes. We begin withContinue Reading

These beginning chapters in Ether teach us the importance of prayer, how to receive revelation, and how the Lord communicates with us. In this podcast we discuss the idea of light and air questions, and why the distinction matters. These chapters are also a type of the journey that weContinue Reading

Enos had a struggle to know the Lord. Many people today do as well. I believe a key to gaining a testimony of Jesus Christ and the Restoration is to want to know the truth, as well as have an honest heart. An honest heart to me means that youContinue Reading

We then commenced settling Caldwell County, to which I removed, built a house, entered seven hundred and twenty acres of land and bought a lot in town. I also entered land for many of the brethren, and for this purpose had to go the distance of eighty miles, where theContinue Reading

 22 And now, after the many testimonies which have been given of him, this is the testimony, last of all, which we give of him: That he lives!  23 For we saw him, even on the right hand of God; and we heard the voice bearing record that he isContinue Reading