The Amulonites are descendants of the wicked priests of King Noah as discussed in Mosiah 19.10-12. These wicked priests, in about 142 B.C., kidnap the daughters of the Lamanites and create new families. Sometime between 142-122 B.C. these families are integrated into Lamanite society, and Mormon emphasized that these AmulonitesContinue Reading

There is significance to the symbolism of the ark Noah built in Genesis 6.  There are three arks in the Bible. 1.  The ark of Noah – contained the prophet and the salvation of Israel.  The ark rested on a mountain – Genesis 8:4.  The breath of life was containedContinue Reading

We began class today with the question we left off with in the Moses 7 discussion.  How would you build Zion in your sphere of influence?  Many students shared that they would work on being kind and giving in difficult circumstances.  I asked them to illustrate a difficult circumstance.  MostContinue Reading