Show Notes: D&C 51-57 Quotes and Notes To enroll in an institute class, go to 00:32 – An overview of the building of Zion. 28:55 – The parable of the nobleman and the olive trees as it relates to Zion. 32:21 – The Lord calls the Saints to reclaimContinue Reading

Show Notes: D&C 46-48 Quotes and Notes To enroll in an institute class, go to 00:31 – The gifts of the Spirit are scattered among each of us. 24:30 – Unto some it may be given all the gifts. 28:14 – Professional clergy versus a participatory church structure. 31:27Continue Reading

D&C 46 Given March 8, 1831… The question of how the Church is to conduct religious services was engaged in this revelation. It is good to remember that so many of the revelations of the Restoration are the result of questions. Questions open the door to understanding and when combinedContinue Reading

Anciently the Sacrament was a meal. These meals took place in what are commonly called “house churches.” (You might even call it a home-centered church). The early Christian community started as a house church, “They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to the fellowship… They broke bread in theirContinue Reading

Show Notes: D&C 12-13; JSH 1:66-75 Quotes and Notes 00:53 – Historical background of the Knight family. 14:01 – Philo Dibble’s experience with Newel Knight in Missouri. 26:12 – Being humble. 36:38 – Being full of love. 38:31 – The restoration of the Aaronic Priesthood. We are His hands. 43:48Continue Reading

During the last week in May I went on a visit to Fayette and was baptized by David Whitmer. On the first day of June, 1830, the first conference was held by the Church. Our number consisted of about thirty, besides many others who came to learn of our principles,Continue Reading

Devil Cast Out of Newel Knight Joseph Smith During this month of April [1830] I went on a visit to the residence of Mr. Joseph Knight, of Colesville, Broom co. N. Y., with whom and his family I had been previously acquainted, and of whose name I have above mentionedContinue Reading