1 Nephi 8-11 Coming into the presence of God in his temple There are multiple ways to read the story of the Tree of Life. Certainly this story is first and foremost about God’s love and invitation for all men to come into his presence through the Atonement of hisContinue Reading

James – An Overview The letter of James takes its name from the attribution of authorship in 1.1; the letter itself does not otherwise identify its author. Some scholars suggest that the author is the brother of Jesus (Matthew 13.55; Mark 6.3) and the head of the church in JerusalemContinue Reading

1 Nephi 8 and 11 outline a fight that was happening in the 7th century B.C. regarding how the Israelites viewed God, visions, ascension into heaven, and the temple. In other posts I will write more about this, but for now, know that this was a debate between the visionaryContinue Reading

What Were Those Sacrifices Offered by Lehi? I have been asked before about the sacrifices made by Lehi while in the wilderness as recorded in 1 Nephi 2-7. While there are some things we do not know, there are many clues in the text to help us understand what isContinue Reading