→ Watch on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?embed=no&v=-SpSPNnwb2g Join us for an enlightening 14-episode journey through the Book of Revelation. In this final episode on Revelation, we look at Chapters 19-22 and discuss the two feasts: The Marriage Supper of the Lamb and The Supper of the Great God. The Marriage Supper ofContinue Reading

→ Watch on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?embed=no&v=Vlv-t_kw5Cs Join us for an enlightening 14-episode journey through the Book of Revelation. In this episode we talk about Chapters 17-18, where John is shown the rapid fall of Babylon. The Saints are cautioned against chasing “all things dainty” and missing the real meaning of life.Continue Reading

→ Watch on YouTube Join us for an enlightening 14-episode journey through the Book of Revelation. In this episode we explore Chapter 13. We examine the Sea and Land Beasts, and discuss how they imitate Jesus Christ. We also discuss John’s use of the number 666 and the Mark ofContinue Reading

→ Watch on YouTube Join us for an enlightening 14-episode journey through the Book of Revelation. In this episode we examine the events John sees in Chapter 12, including the pre-earth struggle between the dragon and the saints of God. The woman, who is a representation of the Church, fleesContinue Reading

→ Watch on YouTube Join us for an enlightening 14-episode journey through the Book of Revelation. In this episode we turn to Chapter 11, the story of the two witnesses slain and resurrected in Jerusalem in the last days. → Detailed Show Notes: https://www.ldsscriptureteachings.org/2019/12/revelation-11-the-two-witnesses-olive-trees-candle-sticks-slain/ → Enroll in Institute: https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/si/institute?lang=eng →Continue Reading

→ Watch on YouTube Join us for an enlightening 14-episode journey through the Book of Revelation. This episode explores Chapters 8-10, the opening of the Seventh Seal. John sees seven angels standing before God as they prepare to sound seven trumpets, ushering destruction upon the earth. In chapter 10, JohnContinue Reading

→ Watch on YouTube Join us for an enlightening 14-episode journey through the Book of Revelation. In this episode we talk about Chapter 7. This chapter deals with the seal placed upon the righteous saints in the Last Days which protects them, just as the blood of the lamb fromContinue Reading

→ Watch on YouTube Join us for an enlightening 14-episode journey through the Book of Revelation. In this episode our focus shifts to Chapters 5 and 6, where we delve into the John’s vision of the first five seals of the book. We explore the enhanced understanding that emerges whenContinue Reading

→ Watch on YouTube Join us for an enlightening 14-episode journey through the Book of Revelation. In this episode we look at Chapter 4, which is John’s entrance into the throne room of God. John’s description of God’s surroundings invite us to consider his character and priorities. This chapter containsContinue Reading