Show Notes: Enroll in Institute: Timestamps: 00:26 – A brief overview of these chapters. 02:52 – Israel anoints David as king. 06:59 – Uzzah is smitten for steadying the Ark. 11:37 – David acts as both king and priest in his return to Jerusalem. He wears the ephod andContinue Reading

Show Notes Enroll in Institute Timestamps: 00:26 – An overview of these sections. 02:05 – Abraham’s prophetic call and the symbolism of the mighty tree with sacred associations. 13:29 – “Is anything too hard for the Lord?” 14:04 – Hebrew word play with laugh, rejoice, and Isaac’s name. Doubts and hopesContinue Reading

D&C 84 September 22-23, 1832 Historical Background Garrett and Robinson give the following insightful commentary to set up the historical background of this section: After spending two weeks in Missouri “sitting in council with the Saints,” organizing the Missouri branch of the united firm, and providing for the establishment ofContinue Reading

D&C 18 is given June 1829 in Fayette, New York. As promised by John the Baptist, the Melchizedek Priesthood was restored to the earth by the ancient apostles Peter, James, and John. This occurred sometime after the restoration of the Aaronic Priesthood on 15 May 1829, and the first partContinue Reading