Show Notes Enroll in Institute Timestamps: 00:26 – There is evidence that the Five Books of Moses and specifically the Book of Deuteronomy were edited both before and during the Babylonian captivity, around 600 B.C. 03:16 – Many scholars see Deuteronomy as the “Book of the Law” that was discovered duringContinue Reading

Podcast Slides Podcast Outline Podcast Ep 153 Further Articles: Deuteronomy 1.1 – On the other side Jordan Deuteronomy and the changes to the Divine Council Deuteronomy 32.8-9 and the Sons of God How did Josiah change the religion of the Jewish nation?Continue Reading

Understanding Deuteronomy’s treatment of the Divine Council The ways that the Tanakh (Old Testament) was read by followers of Yahweh (Jehovah) over the centuries leading up to the life of Jesus Christ changed over time. Because the early Israelites that wrote their sacred texts had a view of a divineContinue Reading