Jesus experienced the totality of mortal existence in Gethsemane. It’s our faith that he experienced everything–absolutely everything. Sometimes we don’t think through the implications of that belief. We talk in great generalities about the sins of all humankind, about the suffering of the entire human family. But we don’t experienceContinue Reading

In John’s account of the exchange between Jesus and Pontius Pilate, the Prefect of the Roman province of Judaea, we read the following: Then Pilate entered into the judgment hall again, and called Jesus, and said unto him, Art thou the King of the Jews? Jesus answered him, Sayest thouContinue Reading

The Parable Of The Divers “Many years ago, when I was somewhere between nine and eleven, I participated in a community summer recreation program in the town where I grew up. I remember in particular a diving competition for the different age groups held at the community swimming pool. SomeContinue Reading

The Atonement of Jesus Christ A. God governs the universe by law. 1. To bring about his eternal purposes, God instituted laws to govern his children (see D&C 130:20–21; 132:5; 2 Nephi 2:13). 2. Sin is the willful breaking of the law (see 1 John 3:4; James 4:17). 3. God’sContinue Reading

            When the resurrected Lord appeared to His Apostles, He helped them understand that He had a body of flesh and bones. He said, “Behold my hands and my feet, that it is I myself: handle me, and see; for a spirit hath not fleshContinue Reading

These notes contain links to a few books that have helped me understand the context and content of the scriptures. As an Amazon Affiliate, I do earn a small commission from qualifying purchases (at no extra cost to you). Click here to see all of my favorite books on Amazon. Mosiah 25-28Continue Reading

The demands of justice The atonement of Jesus Christ: his suffering, death on the cross, and resurrection made it possible for all mankind to be resurrected and forgiven of their sins.  Occasionally I am asked why Jesus had to die.  A student recently asked why Jesus could not just forgiveContinue Reading

In class as we were going through some of the chapters in Numbers I had several students ask about the casting out of the lepers in Numbers 5.  Although not just lepers were “put out of the camp” (Numbers 5:2), this brought out the idea – what leprosy represented.  LeprosyContinue Reading

Today we focused on how the Lord helps us to remember Him and the importance of understanding our relationship to Him.  He has purchased us and we are like the Israelites, spared from certain death and perpetual bondage by the Savior’s blood. Suppose you were condemned to die in anotherContinue Reading