Ancient prophets foretold the destruction of the merchant city of Tyre.[1]See Ezekiel 26-28 and Isaiah 23. Ezekiel prophesied that Tyre would be attacked by Nebuchadrezzar (Ezk. 26.7) and that “he shall slay with the sword thy daughters in the field” (Ezk. 26.8) and “break down thy towers” (Ezk. 26.9) andContinue Reading

Show Notes: D&C 84 Quotes and Notes To enroll in an institute class, go to 00:30 – The historical context of Section 84. 02:58 – The purpose of the priesthood and its attendant blessings. 10:57 – One of the ways we claim the privileges of the priesthood is throughContinue Reading

D&C 84 September 22-23, 1832 Historical Background Garrett and Robinson give the following insightful commentary to set up the historical background of this section: After spending two weeks in Missouri “sitting in council with the Saints,” organizing the Missouri branch of the united firm, and providing for the establishment ofContinue Reading

Daniel 8 – Apocalyptic Vision #2 Daniel sees the rise of the Medo-Persian empire – verse 3 “a ram which had two horns”… (Daniel 8:3) He also sees the rise of the Greek Empire, brought about by the conquests of Alexander the Great. The Greek empire would come to dominateContinue Reading