Miriam traditions Miriam, (מִרְיָם)in what some scholars have identified as the author or leader of the “Song of the Sea,”[1]Exodus 15.1-18, 21. Many scholars debate over the ways to interpret “The Song of the Sea.” What this a song led and directed by Moses as the text suggests? Or wasContinue Reading

The slides for this podcast are in pdf format here. The podcast outline with notes is here. Here is the link to the class that Bryce mentioned for those looking for an eternal companion. It’s based upon the “science of dating.” He addresses 10 common pitfalls that we often fallContinue Reading

D&C 89: The Word of Wisdom A Principle with Promise: Two layers to this idea On one level, this passage of scripture can be read as a principle with a promise. The principle essential teaches that as I take care of my physical body, heavenly wisdom, or spiritual light, canContinue Reading

Section 41 Doctrine and Covenants 41 is of special importance because it restored the office of bishop in the Church of Christ. Though it would not be until the Church had established itself in the Salt Lake Valley that bishops would function in wards as they do in our day,Continue Reading

In this podcast, we will cover Section 25 first, examining three ways to interpret and apply this scripture. In the subsequent podcast we discussed sections 23, 24, and 26. The Show Notes reflect an overall view of all of these sections. D&C 23-26 Show Notes D&C 23 April 1830 revelationContinue Reading

D&C 12 is given to Joseph Knight Sr., at Harmony, Pennsylvania, May 1829. Who was Joseph Knight and what was his association with the Prophet Joseph Smith? How is D&C 12 like other revelations? How does this section of scripture apply to us? Joseph Knight (1772-1847, dies at Mount Pisgah,Continue Reading

The miracle of the blue jeans – Kim Sorensen A few years ago, I found myself frequently in fervent prayer, pleading for blessings for myself and my family, blessings I knew we needed. I knew the blessings I sought were righteous desires, yet they did not come. Each time IContinue Reading

Nazirite The LDS Bible Dictionary states the following: A consecrated man. A man under a vow to abstain from wine, from any cutting of the hair, and any contact with the dead (Judg. 13:5; 16:17; 1 Sam. 1:11; Amos 2:11–12; for full regulations see Num. 6). The vow might beContinue Reading

Tamma Durfee was the daughter of Edmund Durfee, a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints who was murdered by a mob near Nauvoo in November 1845. Edmund Durfee has always been someone I have been interested in, and I found that through this short 6 pageContinue Reading