John Murdock’s experience with the Savior John Murdock, who was boarding with the Prophet during the spring of 1833, described in his journal the experience he had while attending one of the meetings in the Prophet’s home: The Prophet told us if we could humble ourselves before God, and exerciseContinue Reading

Visions are not limited to prophets or to those in positions of authority. A special vision occurred to Rebecca Bean, who with her husband, Brother Willard Bean, serve a mission in Palmyra, New York from 1915 to 1940. They were instrumental in the purchase by the Church of the HillContinue Reading

Temple President Merrill encounters the Devil, who threatens to stop the temple work from being done Logan Temple President Marriner W. Merrill was sitting in his office one morning in the early 1890’s when he heard a commotion outside. Stepping to the window, he saw a great congregation of peopleContinue Reading

Steadfast African Pioneer 1999 By Dale LeBaron, as found on See also: Our Heritage – A People Prepared: Joseph W. “Billy” Johnson  “As a young man, I started searching for spiritual peace,” says Joseph Johnson of his early religious searching in Ghana. “It was my prayer that the LordContinue Reading

“Some of the inhabitants were living in log cabins, others in dugouts, and still others in wagons, while some who did not have the latter, had built brush sheds; almost everybody was living on short rations, crickets and grasshoppers having destroyed most of the crops. The whole face of theContinue Reading

Stephen E. Robinson, “Early Christianity and 1 Nephi 13–14,” in First Nephi, The Doctrinal Foundation, ed. Monte S. Nyman and Charles D. Tate Jr. (Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1988),177–91. Early Christianity and 1 Nephi 13–14 Stephen E. Robinson Stephen E. Robinson was an associate professor ofContinue Reading

Heber J. Grant shared a vision he had while riding in through the Utah desert: There are two spirits striving with us always, one telling us to continue our labor for good, and one telling us that with the faults and failings of our nature we are unworthy. I canContinue Reading