The last nine chapters of the book of Ezekiel record another great apocalyptic vision. In it are depicted, among other things, a temple with its priesthood and sacrifices, the division of the land among the tribes, and the dimensions of the land and the city. This vision, received in theContinue Reading

The slides for this podcast are in pdf format here. The podcast outline with notes is here. Here is the link to the class that Bryce mentioned for those looking for an eternal companion. It’s based upon the “science of dating.” He addresses 10 common pitfalls that we often fallContinue Reading

D&C 125 – March 1841, Nauvoo, Illinois Historical Background The following is offered by Steven Harper: From the confines of a jail cell in Liberty, Missouri, Joseph wrote to Bishop Partridge in Illinois that the Saints could buy land in Iowa Territory for $2 per acre over twenty years withContinue Reading