The apostle John describes a massive perfect cube coming out of heaven, joining earth. There is only one cube I know of from the Bible, and that is the Holy of Holies (Vulgate, “Sanctum Sanctorum”; Hebrew “Ḳodesh ha-Ḳodashim,” or, more fully, “Bet Ḳodesh ha-Ḳodashim”) as described in the Old Testament.Continue Reading

Ephesians 1 is all about who we were in the Pre-earth Council and who God the Father is in relation to us… this is set in the context of First Temple Israelite religion and in the modern Holy Temple I discuss many of these ideas with my colleague Bryce DunfordContinue Reading

Nephite Temple Worship Compared to Israelite Texts The following is a portion of an article by Don Bradley entitled “Piercing the Veil: Temple Worship in the Lost 116 Pages.” This was a presentation given at the FairMormon Conference in 2012. Don’s position is that the Nephites worked to replicate theContinue Reading

Jesus asks his twelve disciples, “Will ye also go away?” (John 6:67) Peter gives the answer when he says, “to whom shall we go? thou hast the words of eternal life.” (John 6:68)  Peter realizes that there is no other place, no other truth. Peter essentially says, “I will accept allContinue Reading

The Hymn of the Pearl and the Cosmic Myth The Cosmic Myth is a story that teaches of eternal truths even though it may or may not be totally historically accurate.[1]Michael Fishbane, Biblical Myth and Rabbinic Mythmaking, Oxford University Press, 2003, p. 11. Fishbane stated, “we shall understand the word ‘Myth’Continue Reading

A translation of Facsimile #2 I appreciate the work that Michael Dennis Rhodes has put forward in our understanding of Facsimile #2. Below is an article that he published several years ago which has helped me in my quest to further understand how this text relates to Abraham, the gospelContinue Reading

Temple Imagery in the Book of Mormon The word atonement appears only once in the New Testament, but 127 times in the Old Testament. . . . In the other Standard Works of the Church, atonement (including related terms atone, atoned, atoneth, atoning) appears 44 times, but only 3 timesContinue Reading