The slides for this podcast are in pdf format here. The podcast outline with notes is here. To read p. 85-87 of Howard Schwartz’s Tree of Souls: The Mythology of Judaism (Oxford University Press, 2004), go here. To view the two separate accounts of the betrayal of Joseph, with bothContinue Reading

D&C 115-120 Quotes and Notes We worked to make sure that the majority of what we cover in this podcast is in our show notes. However, there is so much material in this podcast, that we were unable to put everything in these notes, and for this, I apologize. MuchContinue Reading

D&C 102 February 17, 1834 Historical Background During the winter of 1833-4, while the Saints in Missouri were still in distress at having been driven out of Jackson County and the Kirtland Saints were making preparations to come to their aid, Joseph Smith continued to receive revelation on a numberContinue Reading

Section 41 Doctrine and Covenants 41 is of special importance because it restored the office of bishop in the Church of Christ. Though it would not be until the Church had established itself in the Salt Lake Valley that bishops would function in wards as they do in our day,Continue Reading

D&C 12 is given to Joseph Knight Sr., at Harmony, Pennsylvania, May 1829. Who was Joseph Knight and what was his association with the Prophet Joseph Smith? How is D&C 12 like other revelations? How does this section of scripture apply to us? Joseph Knight (1772-1847, dies at Mount Pisgah,Continue Reading

Jesus experienced the totality of mortal existence in Gethsemane. It’s our faith that he experienced everything–absolutely everything. Sometimes we don’t think through the implications of that belief. We talk in great generalities about the sins of all humankind, about the suffering of the entire human family. But we don’t experienceContinue Reading

An excellent 5 minute segment of the audio to the story of “The Currant Bush” can be found here. Whatever undertakings may demand of you and of your attention, I tell you, young men and young women, you cannot make a better resolution today than this: “I am going toContinue Reading

I recently read the book The Pioneers by David McCullough, and this story struck me. As much as we complicate marriage and relationships in our modern era, it is refreshing sometimes to see how simple things could be in an age without internet dating apps and instant gratification in theContinue Reading

The text of 1 Nephi 16-21 covers many of the struggles that Nephi faced in trying to get his family to the promised land. We read of his trials and how he and his brothers respond to them. One of the lessons of 1 Nephi is that how you respondContinue Reading