In Mosiah, Alma the Elder teaches the words of Abinadi, and assembles a small group of believers, whom he baptizes: And now it came to pass that Alma took Helam, he being one of the first, and went and stood forth in the water, and cried, saying: O Lord, pourContinue Reading

Gazelem – Alma 37.23  The word Gazelem appears to have its roots in Gaz – a stone and Aleim, a name of God as a revelator or interposer in the affairs of men. If this suggestion be correct, its roots admirably agree with its apparent meaning-a seer. (George Reynolds, AContinue Reading

Recently I had this question brought to me from one of my online students: I’ve always found the baptisms of Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery to difficult to understand how it all happened, is there someplace you’d recommend going to find out more about this?  How does one baptize withoutContinue Reading

The seeming refusal of Jesus to permit Mary to touch him, followed almost immediately by the appearance in which the other women were permitted to hold his feet, has always been the source of some interpretative concern. The King James Version quotes Jesus as saying ‘Touch me not.’ The JosephContinue Reading

What did the Deuteronomist reform? How did Josiah’s reign change the religion of the Israelites/The Kingdom of Judah? King Josiah changed the religion of Israel in the mid-seventh century BCE in several significant ways. According to the Old Testament account in 2 Kings 23, he removed all of the thingsContinue Reading

Possible Constructions of The Gospel of John According to Marie-Émile Boismard, the Gospel of John may have gone through four hypothetical stages of composition. Each stage is intricately involved with the life of the Johannine community: Document C. This was a complete gospel stretching from John the Baptist to theContinue Reading

The lifting of the veil The lifting of the veil is probably a gradual thing, but one thing is certain: the conditions during the Millennium are perfect for gaining more knowledge. From time to time I am asked this question, “when will we know everything?” I do not know! ButContinue Reading

Today you shall be with me in paradise It is inspiring to me that while he was dying on the cruel cross, Jesus Christ was filled with love and empathy for others. He found the strength to minister to the thief on the cross next to him in the accountContinue Reading

Today I was in a meeting listening to Elder and Sister Renlund. They both shared a wonderful parable about a man who was stranded in the open ocean, 30 miles from land. I tried to reproduce the parable the best that I could, and found this parable to be wonderful.Continue Reading