Among the material things of the past,—things that I treasure for sweet memory’s sake and because of pleasant association in by-gone days,—is a lamp. It is of the Argand type, commonly known in the day of its popularity as the “student’s lamp,” so named in acknowledgment of its particular andContinue Reading

I wanted to put together some historical accounts that show that Joseph Smith used a seer stone in his translation of The Book of Mormon. This page shows accounts of some of the people close to Joseph (specifically Emma Smith, Martin Harris, David Whitmer, and William Smith) stating that heContinue Reading

When I first read this story from Elder Burton, I first thought of the translation of the Book of Mormon. A simple stone in the hands of the an average person is just that – a stone. The Lord provided a Urim and Thummim to translate the text of theContinue Reading

The following is an excerpt from Elder Nelson’s autobiography. He relates an experience where he saw President Harold B. Lee following his passing. I learned about his (President Harold B. Lee) passing while I was home playing games with the children, still full of the festive spirit remaining from ChristmasContinue Reading

I love this experience shared by Elder Matthew Cowley: When I went over to New Zealand on my first mission, I had only been there a day or two when a nice sister came running to me. And she said, “Come over, please.” I was all alone. I didn’t haveContinue Reading

To try to indicate the need that exists in the world, and in our own lives, for proper religious information, I would like to tell you of an experience. . . I happened to be in a large eastern city on a business assignment and, inasmuch as I was inContinue Reading

The heavy morning frost on the Wyoming Plains west of Fort Laramie made walking unpleasant for those who were barefoot or in tattered shoes among the ill-fated 1856 Mormon handcart companies destined for Salt Lake City. Both the Willie and Martin companies replete with Mormon faithful eager to join fellowContinue Reading