After returning to Hiram from the Amherst conference, Joseph Smith and Sidney Rigdon resumed their labors on the translation of the New Testament. The vision recorded in Doctrine and Covenants 76 was received while they were translating John 5:29. Philo Dibble, one of a dozen men present when this visionContinue Reading

Section 41 Doctrine and Covenants 41 is of special importance because it restored the office of bishop in the Church of Christ. Though it would not be until the Church had established itself in the Salt Lake Valley that bishops would function in wards as they do in our day,Continue Reading

Historical Background – Martin Harris By 1827, Martin Harris had built a comfortable life for himself in Palmyra, New York. He married his cousin Lucy in 1808, fought in the war of 1812, and by 1827 Martin had had acquired 320 acres of farmland, made them profitable through his industry andContinue Reading

Sections 6-9 of the Doctrine and Covenants deal with how the Lord speaks to us, and how we can invite revelation. So much of these sections are about actual application and relevance, so we will start with these ideas in the show notes. We begin with the list of scripturesContinue Reading

These beginning chapters in Ether teach us the importance of prayer, how to receive revelation, and how the Lord communicates with us. In this podcast we discuss the idea of light and air questions, and why the distinction matters. These chapters are also a type of the journey that weContinue Reading

The message of the Restoration centers on the idea that it is not common ground we seek in sharing the gospel. There is nothing common about our message. The way we answer questions about our faith ought to be by finding the quickest and most direct route to the SacredContinue Reading

The Church is Led by Revelation Acts 15 recounts the experience of those involved in the Jerusalem conference, which took place approximately A.D. 50, about fifteen years after the conversion of Paul. Some members of the early Christian church, seemingly the majority were converts from the Pharisees, believed that toContinue Reading

There are so many ways to teach John 14. I like to emphasize the importance of the Holy Ghost in the lives of Latter-day Saint youth. John 14:15–26 and 16:7–14 emphasize that the First Comforter is the Holy Ghost, who gives comfort and peace, teaches, testifies, reminds us of theContinue Reading