1 Samuel 10:27 tells us that the children of Belial spoke harshly of Saul.  Said these individuals, “how shall this man save us?”  We read that they “despised him, and brought him no presents.  How Saul deals with these individuals is applicable to the youth. We read that Saul “heldContinue Reading

1 Samuel 9-10 teach us that even in the exercising of our agency in unwise ways, the Lord will do all He can to help us to be successful. The Israelites chose to have a king, against the counsel of Samuel.  Despite this poor choice, the Lord did all heContinue Reading

Deuteronomy 7 discusses the importance of making the right decisions with respect to marriage.  From the text we read: Neither shalt thou make amarriages with them; thy daughter thou shalt not give unto his son, nor his daughter shalt thou take unto thy son.  For they will aturn away thyContinue Reading

Throw your rope over the wall Moses faced many barriers in his effort to get the children of Israel out of Egypt.  It has been said that it was easier for Moses to get the children of Israel out of Egypt than it was to get Egypt out of theContinue Reading

Today we examined how Moses and Aaron react to the Israelites’ desire to engage in idolatrous practices.  Aaron and Moses both respond in divergent ways – looking into their responses brought home a message to the youth in seminary. First, we took a look at Aaron’s response, which was somewhatContinue Reading

Exodus 18 is an illustration of the problems Moses faced as he led the children of Israel in the wilderness.  When his father in law witnesses Moses taking on every problem the Israelites had, he corrects Moses. The text reads, “And when Moses’ father in law saw all that heContinue Reading

Section 7 has a great lesson on the human tendency that we have to compare ourselves with others.  Section 7 is a vision Joseph has unlocking questions regarding John 21 where the Lord tells Peter and John about their future assignments.  Peter asks Jesus about John and Jesus tells PeterContinue Reading

Have you ever received an impression? If you were the Lord, what is one of the first things you would want to teach this newly restored church? 2 Nephi 32:5 –WHAT does this basically say?  You get the Holy Ghost, and it will guide you in what you need to do in your life. HowContinue Reading

A valuable lesson: The commandments inspire young Joseph Smith.  When was the last time a youth said that the commandments were inspiring? Have you ever heard the youth say what a blessing the commandments were? 5 After it was truly manifested unto this first elder that he had received aContinue Reading