D&C 109 The Dedicatory Prayer of the Kirtland Temple – March 27, 1836 Historical Background The following background information provided by Ostler and McConkie is valuable: In preparation for the dedication of the Kirtland Temple, the Prophet Joseph Smith, Sidney Rigdon, and Oliver Cowdery, as well as Warren A. CowderyContinue Reading

After returning to Hiram from the Amherst conference, Joseph Smith and Sidney Rigdon resumed their labors on the translation of the New Testament. The vision recorded in Doctrine and Covenants 76 was received while they were translating John 5:29. Philo Dibble, one of a dozen men present when this visionContinue Reading

Section 41 Doctrine and Covenants 41 is of special importance because it restored the office of bishop in the Church of Christ. Though it would not be until the Church had established itself in the Salt Lake Valley that bishops would function in wards as they do in our day,Continue Reading

Truth tastes good This is good doctrine. It tastes good. I can taste the principles of eternal life, and so can you. They are given to me by the revelations of Jesus Christ; and I know that when I tell you these words of eternal life as they are givenContinue Reading

The miracle of the blue jeans – Kim Sorensen A few years ago, I found myself frequently in fervent prayer, pleading for blessings for myself and my family, blessings I knew we needed. I knew the blessings I sought were righteous desires, yet they did not come. Each time IContinue Reading

Zion’s Camp – Water Miraculously Provided Oliver B. Huntington and Zera Cole [In the winter of 1890 Huntington “sat with paper and pencil” and took notes as he listened to Zera Cole give the following account from the march of Zion’s Camp:] One hot day in June [1834], after anContinue Reading

This page addresses the history of the priesthood ban, specifically by sharing several chapters from Lengthen Your Stride, by Edward Kimball. See also: Shouldering the Cross: How to Condemn Racism and Still Call Brigham Young a Prophet Understanding pre-1978 statements by members and leaders of The Church The Question ofContinue Reading

Another example is a family in the mission over which I presided, a family by the name of Agnew. They were difficult people to convert. William Agnew, particularly, would not listen to the missionaries, but finally he consented to attend our Sunday School with his wife, three children, and theContinue Reading