→ Watch on YouTube → Detailed Show Notes → Time Stamps: (00:00) An overview of these chapters.(01:39) The power of increasing witnesses. The closer you are to someone, the more credible your testimony may affect them.(03:02) Amulek is a greater witness to the people of Ammonihah because he is oneContinue Reading

For more information about our discussion regarding the resurrection beliefs of the Jews before Christ, read “Resurrection in the Book of Mormon.” For more information regarding the specific teachings of The Order of the Nehors, go here. August Landmesser refused to give the Nazi salute and was photographed (see photo here) atContinue Reading

→ Watch on YouTube → Detailed Show Notes → Time Stamps: (00:00) An overview of Alma’s two sermons.(01:26) The power of remembering helps rekindle the flame of testimony. (14:45) Alma invites us to imagine if judgement were today.(20:18) God extends an invitation to choose him as our shepherd so heContinue Reading

→ Watch on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?embed=no&v=-23v1NXKQdQ → Detailed Show Notes: https://www.ldsscriptureteachings.org/2024/05/mosiah-29-alma-4-podcast-ep-271-show-notes/ → Time Stamps: (00:00) The Amlicites marked themselves. How we mark ourselves today.(13:14) The collective view of punishment in the Bible.(20:08) Skins, curses, and marks.(25:41) We are all alike unto God.(27:32) In the midst of adversity you can still haveContinue Reading

→ Watch on YouTube → Detailed Show Notes → Time Stamps: (00:00) An overview of these chapters.(03:28) The prayers from Alma’s father made a difference in his conversion.(05:52) God remembers all His children.(10:40) Justification and sanctification in Christ. Alma’s experience typified both.(18:27) Alma was snatched by Jesus in Mosiah 27.29Continue Reading

→ Watch on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?embed=no&v=ZjoV3BvZRfg → Detailed Show Notes: https://www.ldsscriptureteachings.org/2024/04/mosiah-18-24-podcast-show-notes/ → Time Stamps: (00:00) An overview of these chapters.(06:33) Alma’s message is one of healing. Repentance, redemption, and faith correct our mistakes.(14:26) Alma is haunted by his past. Beware of “the switch”.(18:40) The Hebrew root for the word comforter inContinue Reading

→ Watch on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?embed=no&v=ifOlF2Wrw50 → Detailed Show Notes: https://www.ldsscriptureteachings.org/2024/04/mosiah-11-17-podcast-ep-268-show-notes/ → Time Stamps: (00:00) An overview of these chapters.(07:55) How to take “Noah blinders” off. (10:18) Abinadi teaches how Jesus is both the Father and the Son.(16:59) Like Jesus, Alma yields to the will of the Father.(22:32) The priests ofContinue Reading

For more information on the Amlicite wars, the church prospering amidst adversity, and the meaning of Nehor’s name, go to Alma 1-3 – Nehor, the Church, and the Amlicite Wars. The Book of Mormon is prophetic commentary on the Hebrew Bible. This is described by Bradley Kramer in detail. BradleyContinue Reading

→ Watch on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?embed=no&v=I9v8Qn_dxQ4 → Detailed Show Notes: https://www.ldsscriptureteachings.org/2024/01/mosiah-7-10-podcast-ep-267-show-notes/ → Time Stamps: (00:00) An overview of these chapters.(05:40) Limhi’s story.(07:10) Remembering past experiences with God invites revelation.(09:09) There remaineth an effectual struggle to be made. Personal change brings deliverance in the Lord’s timing.(13:35) The people of Limhi are notContinue Reading