For the show notes covering many of the stories and quotes in this podcast, go to Helaman 7-12 Quotes and Notes. For Joseph Smith’s 1844 solutions to American slavery, go here. For the chart showing the pride cycle discussed in the podcast, go here. For the video where Nephi is left alone afterContinue Reading

Helaman 3 – The Nephite Cycle Kingship, Temple, Authority: Powerful Symbols of God’s Presence in Helaman 3.27-30 To read Joseph Allen’s demonstration of the spiritual message regarding the “narrow pass” and how it relates to the Plan of Salvation, see: Geography and the Plan of Salvation. For a brief overview ofContinue Reading

For the show notes for both episodes covering the war chapters, go to Alma 43-63 – The War Chapters. Alma 43 – Standing for truth Alma 43 – Deception Alma 46-48 – The power of one Alma 48 – Wisdom: a proper balance Alma 48:11 – Tolkien quote Alma 49-51 –Continue Reading

For many of the quotes used in this podcast, see Alma 39-42 Great Quotes. Michael Ash’s paper The Sin Next to Murder can be read here. Alma 39 – The Law of Chastity For more detail regarding the name of Isabel/Jezebel and the geographical name Siron, go here. Alma 40-41 – The resurrection and justiceContinue Reading

Alma 36-40 – Principles of effective parenting Alma 36-38 Quotes and Notes For a brief explanation of chiasmus, go here. For a visual demonstration (PDF) of the chiastic structure of Alma 36, go here. For Scripture Central’s excellent video of John Welch explaining his personal discovery of chiasmus in the text ofContinue Reading

For the quotes used in this podcast, see Alma 32-35 Great Quotes. For an excellent review of the Greek notion of faith or pistis (πίστις), I highly recommend this video of Brent Schmidt’s presentation at BYU in 2019. You can access a copy of Brent Schmidt’s excellent book Relational Faith here. You can access aContinue Reading

There is so much going on behind the scenes in Alma 17-18. To read Hugh Nibley’s argument for the background of the scattering of the flocks at the Waters of Sebus, as well as Brant Gardner’s argument that this is a political rivalry, go here: Alma 18.7 – A Practice ofContinue Reading

Alma 13 – Melchizedek, Kingship, Psalm 110, and Jesus Christ Alma 13 – Talents in the pre-earth life Text of 11Q13 from the Dead Sea Scrolls – The Melchizedek Document Alma 14 – The problem of evil in the Book of Mormon For C.S. Lewis’ quote Heaven Works Backwards, go here. AlmaContinue Reading

To see Reid Bankhead’s quote about the meaning of the word Anti-Christ, go here. An overview of Alma versus Korihor in Alma 30 is available here along with Austin Farrar’s quote. Martin Rees’ book Just Six Numbers: The Deep Forces that Shape the Universe is available here and you can listen to it onContinue Reading