Show Notes: D&C 6-9 Quotes and Notes 00:30 – Historical background of Section 6. 04:45 – Two types of doubts. 05:56 – How God speaks to our heart. 26:03 – How God speaks to our mind. 40:27 – How we can tell the difference between our own thoughts and revelationContinue Reading

Historical Background – Martin Harris By 1827, Martin Harris had built a comfortable life for himself in Palmyra, New York. He married his cousin Lucy in 1808, fought in the war of 1812, and by 1827 Martin had had acquired 320 acres of farmland, made them profitable through his industry andContinue Reading

Show Notes: D&C 3-5 Quotes and Notes 00:35 – Background of Section 3. 07:08 – The size and contents of the lost manuscript. 14:12 – The Lord allows Martin to take the manuscript. 16:51 – God is merciful and gives us second chances. 27:05 – Pleasing someone else at theContinue Reading

D&C 6-9 Show notes Section 6-9 of the Doctrine and Covenants deal with how the Lord speaks to us, and how we can invite revelation. So much of these sections are about actual application and relevance, so we will start with these ideas in the show notes. We begin withContinue Reading

Show Notes: D&C 2; JSH 1:27-65 Quotes and Notes 00:34 – Joseph describes spiritual sight. 04:59 – The weakness of youth is lack of experience. 20:46 – The definition of a true friend. 27:14 – Interpretations of Malachi 4:2. 44:10 – The significance of the temple. 53:02 – Joseph Smith’sContinue Reading

Doctrine and Covenants 3: The Lost Manuscript July 1828 – Joseph travels from Harmony, Pennsylvania to Palmyra, New York (about 200 kilometers away, a four day trip each way in 1828) because he has not heard back from Martin Harris. What were the events that led up to Section 3Continue Reading

Joseph Describes Spiritual Sight How could Joseph have had this vision of Moroni as he was in a room with his siblings at the time? Perhaps we are looking at this from a Western mindset and need to ask a different question. What kind of vision was this? What doContinue Reading

Show Notes: JSH 1:1-26 Quotes and Notes 00:35 – The First Vision ends the apostasy and ushers in the restoration. 06:43 – God restores information in the order of importance. 09:41 – Historical background of the First Vision. 20:57 – The First Vision teaches the pattern of prayer and revelation.Continue Reading

Show Notes: D&C 1 Quotes and Notes 00:30 – Brief overview of the Doctrine and Covenants. 06:58 – Find the Savior in this book. 08:39 – Anyone in a similar circumstance can apply these instructions. 16:23 – The setting and background of Section 1. 27:06 – Defending our beliefs withContinue Reading