Sections 6-9 of the Doctrine and Covenants deal with how the Lord speaks to us, and how we can invite revelation. So much of these sections are about actual application and relevance, so we will start with these ideas in the show notes. We begin with the list of scripturesContinue Reading

Doctrine and Covenants 3: The Lost Manuscript July 1828 – Joseph travels from Harmony, Pennsylvania to Palmyra, New York (about 200 kilometers away, a four day trip each way in 1828) because he has not heard back from Martin Harris. What were the events that led up to Section 3Continue Reading

Joseph Describes Spiritual Sight How could Joseph have had this vision of Moroni as he was in a room with his siblings at the time? Perhaps we are looking at this from a Western mindset and need to ask a different question. What kind of vision was this? What doContinue Reading

An Overview of the Doctrine and Covenants The Doctrine and Covenants begins with many sections on how the Lord communicates and works with mankind: 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 19 [all early sections outlining his work]. Section 2 is a beautiful yet short overview of the entire purpose ofContinue Reading

Moroni 10.4 – Ask if these things are not true – An Example of a Negative Question Why does Moroni ask us to ask Heavenly Father if these things are not true? This is an example of a negative question where the questioner is certain of the answer. Many negativeContinue Reading

Moroni 1.1 The background story to Moroni 1 has been put together by the late Sidney Sperry, and I wanted to share some of his words regarding Moroni’s life leading up to this final book in the Book of Mormon. “What was Moroni doing those 16 years alone? What adventuresContinue Reading

Ether 12-15 Show the two paths available to mankind: The Way of Life and the Way of Death These chapters show the two paths available to mankind: the path of leading unto life (Ether 12-13), and the path leading unto death (Ether 14-15). Both of these blocks of scripture useContinue Reading

Ether 6-11 take readers on a journey of the violent and turbulent world of the Jaredite kings. It is almost like the Book of Mormon in miniature: we have a heavenly ocean crossing, prophetic peoples ruled by kings, a series of wicked and righteous kings, secret Gadianton-esque societies, wars andContinue Reading

These beginning chapters in Ether teach us the importance of prayer, how to receive revelation, and how the Lord communicates with us. In this podcast we discuss the idea of light and air questions, and why the distinction matters. These chapters are also a type of the journey that weContinue Reading