D&C 64 During this time the Church at Kirtland, Ohio, experienced a limited apostasy. In addition to the problems of the Saints in Ohio who were seeking after signs and suffering the spiritual weaknesses caused by immorality (see D&C 63), Ezra Booth returned from his mission to Missouri, discontented withContinue Reading

Historical Context For the Prophet to leave the Saints in Kirtland and travel to Missouri meant that he would be away from June 19 to August 27, 1831. The Lord had instructed the Prophet while on his way home that it was time for him, Sidney Rigdon, and Oliver CowderyContinue Reading

D&C 60 Historical Context The time arrived for the elders gathered in Missouri to return to Ohio. The Lord did not desire that they return with the same haste that they traveled to Missouri (D&C 58:63). The Prophet Joseph Smith recorded: “On the 8th, as there had been some inquiryContinue Reading

D&C 58 August 1, 1831 Twelve days prior to this revelation, Joseph Smith identified the place of the New Jerusalem and the building of the great temple of the latter days— that place being Independence, Missouri. Two days after this revelation was received, the Prophet dedicated the land for thisContinue Reading

For the first part of this podcast, Bryce went through several verses us scripture to lay out the understanding of what the early Saints were expecting regarding Zion and its establishment. From his coverage of the Book of Mormon, and the early revelations, clearly the Saints expected to be gatheredContinue Reading

D&C 46 Given March 8, 1831… The question of how the Church is to conduct religious services was engaged in this revelation. It is good to remember that so many of the revelations of the Restoration are the result of questions. Questions open the door to understanding and when combinedContinue Reading

In this podcast, we will cover Section 25 first, examining three ways to interpret and apply this scripture. In the subsequent podcast we discussed sections 23, 24, and 26. The Show Notes reflect an overall view of all of these sections. D&C 23-26 Show Notes D&C 23 April 1830 revelationContinue Reading

The Articles and Covenants of the Church As early as June 1829 Joseph Smith asked Oliver Cowdery to formulate an expression of basic principles and practices of the soon-to-be-organized Church. Oliver in turn asked the Prophet to inquire of the Lord about what he should do. Doctrine and Covenants 18Continue Reading

D&C 12 is given to Joseph Knight Sr., at Harmony, Pennsylvania, May 1829. Who was Joseph Knight and what was his association with the Prophet Joseph Smith? How is D&C 12 like other revelations? How does this section of scripture apply to us? Joseph Knight (1772-1847, dies at Mount Pisgah,Continue Reading

Historical Background – Martin Harris By 1827, Martin Harris had built a comfortable life for himself in Palmyra, New York. He married his cousin Lucy in 1808, fought in the war of 1812, and by 1827 Martin had had acquired 320 acres of farmland, made them profitable through his industry andContinue Reading