Isaiah 1-12 – Ep 169 Quotes and Notes
Podcast Slides Podcast Outline Podcast Ep 169 Watch our video detailing Isaiah’s call in Isaiah 6Continue Reading
Podcast Slides Podcast Outline Podcast Ep 169 Watch our video detailing Isaiah’s call in Isaiah 6Continue Reading
→ Show Notes: → Enroll in Institute: → Timestamps: 00:26 – A brief overview of these psalms. 03:52 – Psalm 89 portrays God’s power of creation and his justice. Assurances are made to the anointed king that the seed of David will continue with a promise of victory. TheContinue Reading
Podcast Outline Podcast Slides Podcast Ep 168 You can see Bryce’s quote from The Magician’s Nephew here. You can see the chart showing the “Two Ways of Life and Death” as described in 2 Nephi 9 here.Continue Reading
→ Show Notes: → Enroll in Institute: → Timestamps: 00:26 – A brief summary of the psalms. 02:52 – Psalm 49 can be read as a resurrection text. “God will redeem my soul from the power of the grave.” 09:22 – Psalm 50 teaches that God will come andContinue Reading
Podcast Outline Overview of the First Israelite Temple Drama Psalm 110 – The Most Quoted text from the Tanakh in The New Testament Contrasting photos of Trevor Dunford weeping for loss and then later weeping for joy Podcast Ep 167Continue Reading
Podcast Outline Ye Are Gods: Psalm 82 and John 10 as Witnesses to the Divine Nature of Humankind – Daniel C. Peterson Overview of the First Israelite Temple Drama Podcast Ep 166Continue Reading
→ Show Notes: → Enroll in Institute: → Timestamps: 00:26 – The historical background and purpose of the Psalms. 02:24 – Many scholars assert that several of the Psalms were used in Israel’s temple worship, especially during the first temple period. They can be divided into hymns ofContinue Reading
Podcast Outline Overview of the First Israelite Temple Drama Podcast Ep 165Continue Reading
→ Show Notes: → Enroll in Institute: → Timestamps: 00:26 – An overview of the two parts of Job: the frame and the poem. 07:35 – In the frame, Job is described as a just and perfect man whose property and children are destroyed, yet he praises and blessesContinue Reading
→ Show Notes: → Enroll in Institute: → Timestamps: 00:26 – A brief overview of these chapters. 07:28 – King Ahasuerus seeks a new queen and Esther is put forth by her uncle Mordecai. He compels Esther to not reveal her Jewish heritage to the king. She is chosenContinue Reading
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