→ Watch on YouTube → Detailed Show Notes → Timestamps: (00:00) The Nephites are without order and have lost civilization.(01:43) Faith: Laying hold on every good thing.(05:44) Hope: An emphasis on God’s power to save me. The participatory nature of hope.(18:44) Jesus Christ answered the ends of the law.(22:15) Mormon speaks toContinue Reading

→ Watch on YouTube → Detailed Show Notes → Timestamps: (00:00) The difference between authority and power in the priesthood.(18:51) We covenant to always remember Christ. Elder Lund’s rock climbing story.(25:24) In the Church we must remember Jesus and help each other.(30:22) President Spencer W. Kimball admonished the Saints toContinue Reading

→ Watch on YouTube → Detailed Show Notes → Timestamps: (00:00) Faith during doubt, darkness, and fear. There will be light in the darkness.(18:54) God can turn our weaknesses into strengths.(29:56) Moroni’s invitation to see scripture as inspired, though not infallible.(36:12) Moroni commends us to seek this Jesus of whomContinue Reading

→ Watch on YouTube → Detailed Show Notes → Timestamps: (00:00) When the Brother of Jared sees the Lord’s finger it sparks his divine curiosity.(05:34) The ocean is a symbol for chaos, the fallen world, and the veil.(07:52) The 2 to 1 Principle as seen in the Garden of Eden,Continue Reading

→ Watch on YouTube → Detailed Show Notes → Timestamps: (00:00) Revelation, how heaven connects with earth.(13:55) Sometimes we have “air questions” and other times we have “light questions.”(28:22) The ocean of chaos – being tossed, buried, and broken while in mortality. When we cannot have our circumstances changed, theContinue Reading

→ Watch on YouTube → Detailed Show Notes → Timestamps: (00:00) The Book of Mormon was organized by Mormon to address the problems of our day.(06:05) The Tree of Life represents the true source of happiness.(08:09) The purpose of wealth is to do good. The Book of Mormon warns aboutContinue Reading

→ Watch on YouTube → Detailed Show Notes → Timestamps: (00:00) An overview of these chapters.(01:09) Mormon is an excellent example of how to raise a righteous family in a wicked environment.(20:24) In our darkest times, Heavenly Father sends some of the brightest lights. (21:23) A lesson on repentance.(28:53) TheContinue Reading

→ Watch on YouTube → Detailed Show Notes → Timestamps: (00:00) Jesus teaches the simplicity of the gospel: faith, repentance, baptism, receiving the Holy Ghost, and enduring to the end.(17:58) If it is of God, it will grow.(25:35) Jesus translates three of the Nephite disciples. This is the same powerContinue Reading

→ Watch on YouTube → Detailed Show Notes → Timestamps: (00:00) The Savior’s favorite story is the triumph of the restoration and the gathering of the House of Israel.(17:31) 3 Nephi 20-22 is a beautifully constructed chiasm, the apex of which is the covenant in 21.4. This is the bringingContinue Reading