→ Watch on YouTube → Detailed Show Notes → Timestamps: (00:00) The symbolism of the Feast in the First Israelite Temple.(22:32) The Sacrament in other Christian traditions.(26:58) How to get to the feast. We can cover our vulnerabilities with the Armor of God.(53:56) Hyrum Page has a seer stone. OfficialContinue Reading

→ Watch on YouTube → Detailed Show Notes → Timestamps: (00:00) An overview of the three interpretive layers to Section 25.(06:26) Second layer: the Lord speaking to and about women.(27:25) Third layer: the bride as a symbol for the Church.(33:07) The Lord counsels us to not murmur about things weContinue Reading

→ Watch on YouTube → Detailed Show Notes → Timestamps: (00:00) The Constitution of the Church. People before programs.(07:00) The order of important truths.(15:33) Early Christianity developed creeds to combat views that were deemed heretical.(21:41) Section 20 as a case study in the production of scripture.(25:20) Oliver contends with JosephContinue Reading

→ Watch on YouTube → Detailed Show Notes → Timestamps: (00:00) The historical background of this section.(02:03) This revelation given to Martin Harris helps unlock the Bible.(05:46) God’s punishment ends as soon as His objectives are met. There is an entrance and an exit to Hell.(29:55) The Savior opens aContinue Reading

→ Watch on YouTube → Detailed Show Notes → Timestamps: (00:00) This section contains instructions for calling the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles and building up the Church.(03:33) The word apostle means one who is sent to carry the message. (06:14) Use the scriptures, the word of God. (21:14) SeeContinue Reading

→ Watch on YouTube → Detailed Show Notes → Timestamps: (00:00) The historical background to the translation process and the roles of Lucy and Martin Harris.(23:28) God’s wisdom is greater than the cunning of the devil.(36:50) Satan is trying to destroy the work of the Restoration.(41:59) The Book of MormonContinue Reading

→ Watch on YouTube → Detailed Show Notes → Timestamps: (00:00) The historical background of Section 6.(04:11) Two types of doubts.(05:38) How God speaks to our heart.(24:20) How God speaks to our mind.(38:53) How we can tell the difference between our own thoughts and revelation from heaven.(43:48) President Russell M.Continue Reading

→ Watch on YouTube → Detailed Show Notes → Timestamps: (00:00) The background of Section 3.(07:03) The size and contents of the lost manuscript.(14:09) Joseph reluctantly allows Martin Harris to take the manuscript.(16:53) God is merciful and gives us second chances.(26:44) Pleasing someone else at the expense of doing whatContinue Reading

→ Watch on YouTube → Detailed Show Notes → Timestamps: (00:00) Joseph describes spiritual sight.(04:59) The weakness of youth is explained as a lack of experience.(20:06) A definition of a true friend.(25:49) Interpretations of Malachi 4.(42:42) The significance of temple ordinances.(51:09) Joseph Smith’s name is had for good and evilContinue Reading