D&C 98 August 6, 1833 The historical background, much of which provided here by Garrett and Robinson is worthy of note: Although Joseph Smith wrote almost nothing about the reception of Doctrine and Covenants 98 in his History of the Church, that revelation was one of three Joseph included in a letterContinue Reading

In this podcast, we will cover Section 25 first, examining three ways to interpret and apply this scripture. In the subsequent podcast we discussed sections 23, 24, and 26. The Show Notes reflect an overall view of all of these sections. D&C 23-26 Show Notes D&C 23 April 1830 revelationContinue Reading

In John 14, Jesus speaks to the Twelve about the Comforter, the paraclete, calling it the Holy Ghost (see John 14:26). He also speaks of “another Comforter,” teaching that that “he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you” (see John 14:16-17). Later he says, speaking of himself and hisContinue Reading

I have come to appreciate these words by Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin regarding the principle of compensation, and have seen this evident in my life: The third thing we can do is understand the principle of compensation. The Lord compensates the faithful for every loss. That which is taken awayContinue Reading

Hosea’s name means “deliverance” or “salvation” and is connected on a basic level with the names Joshua and Jesus.  Hosea was a prophet at the time of King Jeroboam II, who died in 746 BC. His ministry may well have continued until the loss of the Northern Kingdom in 721Continue Reading