Podcast Slides Podcast Outline Podcast Ep 152 Further Articles: Numbers 22-24: Balaam gets a bad rap Is Balaam a good guy or a bad guy? Some observations on the Balaam tradition at Deir ‘Alla. For a more in-depth analysis of the Baal-Peor incident (Numbers 25), go here. For an earlyContinue Reading

Show Notes Enroll in Institute Timestamps: 00:26 – Multiplying signs and the law of increasing witnesses. God increases in severity as an act of kindness towards those he strives to redeem. 05:13 – The Lord wants to save Israel. A summary of the escalation of the plagues as a sign ofContinue Reading

Show Notes Enroll in Institute Timestamps: 00:26 – The children of Israel are placed in bondage by the Egyptians. Moses is born and saved through the efforts of heroic women like Jochebed, Shiprah, Puah, Miriam, and Pharaoh’s daughter. 08:58 – Moses flees from Egypt, meets Jethro, marries Zipporah, and speaks withContinue Reading

Show Notes Enroll in Institute Timestamps: 00:26 – A brief overview of these chapters. 08:03 – Joseph acknowledges to his brothers that God was aware of his trials, and that ultimately they were for his good. 13:25 – A comparison of God’s fairness and mercy. 22:17 – Judah offered himselfContinue Reading

The 42 stations of the Exodus: Numbers 33 John Barton discusses Christian interpretation of the Hebrew Bible in his book A History of the Bible. His analysis of how Origen (184-253) worked to interpret scripture was, in my view, very interesting. Barton relates the following regarding Origen’s interpretation of whatContinue Reading

The slides for this podcast are in pdf format here. The podcast outline with notes is here. For the short paper on Miriam, go here. For the paper addressing the complexity of Moses’ staff, see: Whose staff is it anyway?Continue Reading

Miriam traditions Miriam, (מִרְיָם)in what some scholars have identified as the author or leader of the “Song of the Sea,”[1]Exodus 15.1-18, 21. Many scholars debate over the ways to interpret “The Song of the Sea.” What this a song led and directed by Moses as the text suggests? Or wasContinue Reading