The last nine chapters of the book of Ezekiel record another great apocalyptic vision. In it are depicted, among other things, a temple with its priesthood and sacrifices, the division of the land among the tribes, and the dimensions of the land and the city. This vision, received in theContinue Reading

→ Show Notes: → Enroll in Institute: → Timestamps: 00:26 – The historical context of Jeremiah. 07:32 – Jeremiah’s words are both haunting and hopeful. They depict the destruction of Jerusalem and the hope of Israel. 10:28 – Organizing the book of Jeremiah. 14:34 – Jeremiah 1.5 depicts Jeremiah’sContinue Reading

→ Show Notes: → Enroll in Institute: → Timestamps: 00:26 – These chapters reflect tension between two different groups of Jews returning from the Exile. 08:36 – “And they shall go forth, and look upon the carcases of the men that have transgressed against me: for their worm shallContinue Reading

→ Show Notes: → Enroll in Institute: → Timestamps: 00:26 – Contrasting the symbols of the faithful woman and the unfaithful woman in John’s Revelation and in the writings of Isaiah. 08:07 – Isaiah 57 can be seen as a parody of the Babylonian New Year temple rites. 12:31Continue Reading

→ Show Notes: → Enroll in Institute: → Timestamps: 00:26 – In these chapters the Lord comforts and gives hope to Israel. He promises that he will never abandon us. 03:15 – King Hezekiah seeks the Lord’s advice through the prophet Isaiah as Assyria approaches Jerusalem. 11:18 – InContinue Reading

→ Show Notes: → Enroll in Institute: → Timestamps: 00:26 – Nephi’s keys to understanding Isaiah. 02:22 – The destruction of Babylon is prophesied. Woes are proclaimed to the nations round about Judah. 07:56 – The King of Babylon is seen in vision as a type of Lucifer, sonContinue Reading