Throw your rope over the wall Moses faced many barriers in his effort to get the children of Israel out of Egypt.  It has been said that it was easier for Moses to get the children of Israel out of Egypt than it was to get Egypt out of theContinue Reading

Today we examined how Moses and Aaron react to the Israelites’ desire to engage in idolatrous practices.  Aaron and Moses both respond in divergent ways – looking into their responses brought home a message to the youth in seminary. First, we took a look at Aaron’s response, which was somewhatContinue Reading

Today in class we discussed how the Tabernacle the Lord instructed Moses to build is a type or shadow of our journey back to our Heavenly Father’s presence.  Everything the Lord instructed Moses with regards to the Tabernacle pointed to the Savior, His Atonement, and our relationship to Him. TheContinue Reading

Exodus 18 is an illustration of the problems Moses faced as he led the children of Israel in the wilderness.  When his father in law witnesses Moses taking on every problem the Israelites had, he corrects Moses. The text reads, “And when Moses’ father in law saw all that heContinue Reading

Today we focused on how the Lord helps us to remember Him and the importance of understanding our relationship to Him.  He has purchased us and we are like the Israelites, spared from certain death and perpetual bondage by the Savior’s blood. Suppose you were condemned to die in anotherContinue Reading

“There is no provision in the law that miracles will create faith.  Signs follow, they do not precede.” – Elder Bruce R. McConkie Exodus 6-12 contains a series of signs and wonders that the Lord uses to encourage Pharoah to let the Israelites leave their bondage in Egypt and goContinue Reading

In Exodus 5 there is an interchange between Moses and Pharoah where the prophet asks Pharoah to let the Israelites “rest from their burdens” and go and “hold a feast in the wilderness.” (Exodus 5:1,5). Pharoah responds with the command that from this time forth the Israelites will continue theirContinue Reading

Today we spent some time looking at Exodus 3 through Moses’ perspective.  At the age of 40 Moses is called by the Lord to deliver the Israelites from the greatest empire Moses had ever seen.  Egypt had every power and luxury available, and Moses was just one man. When MosesContinue Reading

Two major stories in the Old Testament deal with golden calves and gods. The Hebrew word is עֵ֣גֶל egel, meaning bull-calf. The following photos may help the modern reader of the text to see these stories the way that the ancients saw them. Aaron and the Golden Calf The firstContinue Reading

From time to time students express their frustration with those that ridicule them for their faith and for resisting temptation.  Others tell them that they need to “get real” and learn to “live in the real world”.  They are told that since everyone is committing sin, they might as wellContinue Reading