Jonah as a type: Jesus Christ The book of Jonah serves as a type for several ideas taught in scripture.  A type is a symbol that looks forward towards a future fulfillment.  It can be defined as a “preordained representative relationship with certain persons, events, and institutions bear to correspondingContinue Reading

The book of Jonah is a wonderful message of forgiveness and grace.  Jonah is called by the Lord to preach repentance to a hardened people, a people that he does not feel are worthy of being saved.  In Jonah’s estimation, the people of Nineveh are so hardened, so unworthy ofContinue Reading

For the past few days in class we have covered some pretty heavy material for high school aged students.  We have spent time in Ezekiel chapters 37-39, Joel 1 & 2, Zechariah 12-14, D&C 29 & 45 and Matthew 24.  Ezekiel covers some of the events leading up to theContinue Reading

From Ezekiel 34 to the end of his book, Ezekiel focuses on the latter days, emphasizing events far in the future, removed from his world of 600 B.C.  His focus narrows on the restoration of the house of Israel both physically and spiritually, the reunion of the kingdoms of JudahContinue Reading

Ezekiel’s vision of the Lord is not unlike the vision John has in Revelation 4.  Both men see God on his throne, surrounded by heavenly attendants.  Both men describe lightning, brilliant light, creatures unknown to man, and a brilliant rainbow in the midst of the heavenly vision. We spent timeContinue Reading

Jeremiah’s Symbolic Acts Many important judgments are recorded in unforgettable imagery throughout the book of Jeremiah. Jeremiah gave several prophecies that were accompanied by symbolic acts or allegories. The symbolic act, a staging of a prophetic message, is an interesting phenomenon associated with prophets, as, for example, the prophet Zedekiah’sContinue Reading

Have you ever been betrayed by close friends?  Has anyone ever spread lies about you and hurt your reputation?  If you answer yes, then you have a friend in the prophet Jeremiah. “The days of Jeremiah were among the most difficult and momentous in all Jewish history.  How stirring theContinue Reading

I used the following story in conjunction with several important passages in the later chapters of Isaiah.  I will be posting how the chapters are connected to this amazing experience in future posts.  This story is a stunning illustration of the importance of staying engaged in the present.  We neverContinue Reading

Isaiah 29 deals with a prophecy of a book that is sealed.  Isaiah speaks of a time when the eyes of prophets, rulers, and seers are “covered”. From the text of Isaiah 29 we read: And the vision of all is become unto you as the words of a abookContinue Reading