From a close reading of the text of the New Testament, evidence suggests that the first followers of Jesus had a name not many are familiar with. Early followers of Jesus had many names, and one of the names used to describe them was “Followers of the Way.” Perhaps thisContinue Reading

The seeming refusal of Jesus to permit Mary to touch him, followed almost immediately by the appearance in which the other women were permitted to hold his feet, has always been the source of some interpretative concern. The King James Version quotes Jesus as saying ‘Touch me not.’ The JosephContinue Reading

This is a very difficult passage in the New Testament. My contention is that the earliest Christians were Jews, otherwise Christianity would not have evolved in the synagogues for the first decades of its existence. Christianity came out of the Jewish synagogue. These were the very people that Paul preachedContinue Reading

I appreciate the verse in Matthew 24 when the Savior says, “Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh.” (Matthew 24:19) What is a great application of these passages? What would we be doing if and when the SavorContinue Reading

Make Your Calling and Election Sure Elder Bruce R. McConkie Doctrinal New Testament Commentary, volume 3:323-355 Among those who have received the gospel, and who are seeking diligently to live its laws and gain eternal life, there is an instinctive and determined desire to make their calling and election sure.Continue Reading

In John 14, Jesus speaks to the Twelve about the Comforter, the paraclete, calling it the Holy Ghost (see John 14:26). He also speaks of “another Comforter,” teaching that that “he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you” (see John 14:16-17). Later he says, speaking of himself and hisContinue Reading

We have a partial account in the Gospel of Matthew of what happened on the Mount of Transfiguration, but we are clearly missing some things that happened here. Elder McConkie stated: “Our Synoptic authors make brief mention of-in reality it is scarcely more than an allusion to-what happened on theContinue Reading

Jesus asks his twelve disciples, “Will ye also go away?” (John 6:67) Peter gives the answer when he says, “to whom shall we go? thou hast the words of eternal life.” (John 6:68)  Peter realizes that there is no other place, no other truth. Peter essentially says, “I will accept allContinue Reading