The Rifle Pa never had much compassion for the lazy or those who squandered their means and then never had enough for the necessities.  But for those who were genuinely in need, his heart was as big as all outdoors. It was from him that I learned the greatest joy in lifeContinue Reading

Raised from the Dead This story, true in every particular, shows the fulfillment of a prophecy made upon the head of Lorenzo Snow when he received a patriarchal blessing under the hands of the Prophet’s father, Joseph Smith, Senior. It was given in the Kirtland Temple, and among other thingsContinue Reading

Steadfast African Pioneer 1999 By Dale LeBaron, as found on See also: Our Heritage – A People Prepared: Joseph W. “Billy” Johnson  “As a young man, I started searching for spiritual peace,” says Joseph Johnson of his early religious searching in Ghana. “It was my prayer that the LordContinue Reading

Major Michael Duncan Jones U.S. Army Afghanistan, September 2004–February 2005 In addition to serving as brigade flight surgeon on Bagram Air Base, I also worked in the base hospital’s emergency room and as the physician for the detainee facility. There were roughly six hundred prisoners in that holding facility. SomeContinue Reading

The Old Fisherman Our house was directly across the street from the entrance of a popular hospital in the city. We lived downstairs and rented the upstairs rooms to outpatients at the clinic. One summer evening as I was fixing supper, there was a knock at the door. I openedContinue Reading

This story means more to me now, after I have gone through some debilitating health problems. Like Sister Walton, as I was (and am) going through these problems, I find myself figuratively saying to myself, “I will be happy if I can just keep my boots dry!” I must sayContinue Reading

Christ’s love is so deep that He took upon Himself the sins and afflictions of all mankind. Only in that way could He both pay for our sins and empathize with us enough to truly succor us—that is, run to us—with so much empathy that we can have complete confidenceContinue Reading

Hosea’s name means “deliverance” or “salvation” and is connected on a basic level with the names Joshua and Jesus.  Hosea was a prophet at the time of King Jeroboam II, who died in 746 BC. His ministry may well have continued until the loss of the Northern Kingdom in 721Continue Reading

The book of Jonah is a wonderful message of forgiveness and grace.  Jonah is called by the Lord to preach repentance to a hardened people, a people that he does not feel are worthy of being saved.  In Jonah’s estimation, the people of Nineveh are so hardened, so unworthy ofContinue Reading