D&C 12 is given to Joseph Knight Sr., at Harmony, Pennsylvania, May 1829. Who was Joseph Knight and what was his association with the Prophet Joseph Smith? How is D&C 12 like other revelations? How does this section of scripture apply to us? Joseph Knight (1772-1847, dies at Mount Pisgah,Continue Reading

I recently read the book The Pioneers by David McCullough, and this story struck me. As much as we complicate marriage and relationships in our modern era, it is refreshing sometimes to see how simple things could be in an age without internet dating apps and instant gratification in theContinue Reading

Watch Ep 231 For more on Balaam, see here.  Who is John? Traditions about John at Ephesus Some of the early Church Fathers, such as Irenaeus of Lyons (130-200 AD) and Clement of Rome (100 AD), said that John, the son of Zebedee, the fisherman from Galilee, was the author ofContinue Reading

A Saint, who is one in deed and in truth, does not look for an immaterial heaven but he expects a heaven with lands, houses, cities, vegetation, rivers, and animals; with thrones, temples, palaces, kings, princes, priests, and angels; with food, raiment, musical instruments, etc; all of which are material. Continue Reading

Abraham the Destroyer of Idols When President Nelson shared the story of his breaking the bottles of alcohol his father owned, I kept thinking about another prophet who also broke things. President Nelson shared the following story last April: “I adored my parents. They meant the world to me andContinue Reading

Tamma Durfee was the daughter of Edmund Durfee, a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints who was murdered by a mob near Nauvoo in November 1845. Edmund Durfee has always been someone I have been interested in, and I found that through this short 6 pageContinue Reading

Our Clinical Material Your lives, your friendships, your marriages, your families, your neighbors and coworkers currently constitute the sample of humanity which God has given you. We are each other’s clinical material, and we make a mistake when we disregard that sober fact. No wonder, therefore, we feel stress atContinue Reading

Ty Mansfield shared something that is worth consideration. He wrote an article in which he deals with some of the controversial attitudes about sexuality in the modern world. The idea that mankind may have natural feelings that need to be expressed without limit or hesitation is something that is risingContinue Reading

The following story comes to us from Ezra Taft Benson, in his book entitled, “Come Unto Christ”. My wife shared this story with me today and I thought it was inspiring on so many levels! Whether you are talking about faith, listening to the Spirit, death, or angels, this storyContinue Reading

John 19:25-26 Jesus instructs John to care for his mother I love this passage, for it shows the true nature of the Savior Jesus Christ. He loved his mother, and in his dying moments, he was concerned for her. He was a true man! I love what Elder Bednar saidContinue Reading