When I first read this story from Elder Burton, I first thought of the translation of the Book of Mormon. A simple stone in the hands of the an average person is just that – a stone. The Lord provided a Urim and Thummim to translate the text of theContinue Reading

I should like to tell you an experience I had while laboring as a missionary in New Bedford, Massachusetts, some years ago. We were approaching the Easter Sunday, and I had a discussion with a minister of the gospel about the mission of the Redeemer of the world. I hadContinue Reading

To try to indicate the need that exists in the world, and in our own lives, for proper religious information, I would like to tell you of an experience. . . I happened to be in a large eastern city on a business assignment and, inasmuch as I was inContinue Reading

Mark 12:41-44; Luke 21:1-4 Jesus took time out to show his apostles an example of charity that was probably overlooked in his time. In Mark 12 we read the following: Jesus sat over against the treasury, and beheld how the people cast money into the treasury: and many that wereContinue Reading

Joseph was elated when others were chosen by the Lord to be witnesses of the Book of Mormon. The following account tells of his relief: The following account from Lucy Mack Smith, Joseph Smith’s mother, describes how Joseph felt after the Three Witnesses had seen the plates: “When they returnedContinue Reading

Lesson 9: God Will Provide A Lamb Kings Shall Come Out of Thee Genesis 15–17; 21. Later in his life, Abraham desires and is promised seed (15:1–6). Sarah gives Hagar to Abraham as his wife; Hagar bears Ishmael (16:1–16). God again speaks of his covenant with Abraham, promising that heContinue Reading

There is much to cover in Alma 40-42. It is good to emphasize one or two doctrines when teaching Alma 40-41. I focused on the fact that there is a resurrection, that many witnesses have testified of this reality, and that the scriptures have much to share regarding the orderContinue Reading

Lesson 3: The Creation Moses 2-3, Genesis 1-2, Abraham 4-5 What does the creation account tell us? For our current needs, the Lord has given us the beautiful, powerful, concise, and systematic creation accounts of the scriptures. He has also given us collectively an intellectual curiosity that has opened theContinue Reading

These notes contain links to a few books that have helped me understand the context and content of the scriptures. As an Amazon Affiliate, I do earn a small commission from qualifying purchases (at no extra cost to you). Click here to see all of my favorite books on Amazon. Mosiah 25-28Continue Reading

Mosiah chapters 22 through 24 both illustrate how the Lord works in our lives to make us equal to our challenges. We read that the people of Limhi were in a tough situation in that “there was no way that they could deliver themselves” from their affliction (Mosiah 21:5). This isContinue Reading