Dating the death of Christ God is the father of our spirits I AM – John 18.5 Jesus was astonished at the degree of suffering John 14 – The two Comforters Mark – The Misunderstood Messiah in the Gospel of Mark Monolatry in the Old Testament The Father and theContinue Reading

John 20:22 “He breathed on them” President Harold B. Lee said the following about this statement: “He ‘breathed on them and said unto them, receive ye the Holy Ghost,’ (John 20:22) which in all likelihood was the confirmation and the commission to receive the Holy Ghost, or the baptism of theContinue Reading

The Conversion of Mrs. Bader Two missionaries had been enjoying a beautiful spring day until they knocked on the door of Mrs. Bader.  She hadn’t noticed the lovely day, and it soon became apparent that she didn’t feel there was anything of beauty in the whole world. As soon asContinue Reading

Will the Holy Ghost ever get a body? What we do know is that, “The Father has a tangible body and the Holy Ghost does not.” [Joseph Fielding Smith, Answers to Gospel Questions, Vol. 5 (Salt Lake City: Deseret Book Company, 1966), 126.] Does this mean the Holy Ghost isContinue Reading

Have you ever received an impression? If you were the Lord, what is one of the first things you would want to teach this newly restored church? 2 Nephi 32:5 –WHAT does this basically say?  You get the Holy Ghost, and it will guide you in what you need to do in your life. HowContinue Reading