President Thomas S. Monson was 22 years old when he was called to be a bishop. As a young bishop, he watched carefully over the members of his ward, especially those who didn’t often come to church. One Sunday morning he noticed that a young man named Richard was missing. ThisContinue Reading

All of the anti-Christs in the Book of Mormon have essentially the same goal: to get their listeners to not believe in Jesus Christ and get them off the path that leads back to God. Despite this, they certainly would not get along with each other if gathered in theContinue Reading

In 2 Nephi 4 Lehi gives a blessing to the sons of Laman and Lemuel, his grand children. He says: Wherefore, after my father had made an end of speaking concerning the prophecies of Joseph, he called the children of Laman, his sons, and his daughters, and said unto them:Continue Reading

Some have worried about God telling Abraham to lie about his wife. Certainly, it seems deceptive. Certainly, in conveys a falsehood. How can we come to terms with this? Well, one justification is that the life of this great prophet must be weighed in the balance. As Joseph Smith taught,Continue Reading

Make Your Calling and Election Sure Elder Bruce R. McConkie Doctrinal New Testament Commentary, volume 3:323-355 Among those who have received the gospel, and who are seeking diligently to live its laws and gain eternal life, there is an instinctive and determined desire to make their calling and election sure.Continue Reading

The Hymn of the Pearl and the Cosmic Myth The Cosmic Myth is a story that teaches of eternal truths even though it may or may not be totally historically accurate.[1]Michael Fishbane, Biblical Myth and Rabbinic Mythmaking, Oxford University Press, 2003, p. 11. Fishbane stated, “we shall understand the word ‘Myth’Continue Reading

THE PROBATIONARY TEST OF MORTALITY Elder Bruce R. McConkie Of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles Address given at the University of Utah Institute of Religion January 10, 1982 I’m very pleased and honored to have this opportunity to meet and worship with you on this special occasion. Earlier, PresidentContinue Reading

Today I was in a meeting listening to Elder and Sister Renlund. They both shared a wonderful parable about a man who was stranded in the open ocean, 30 miles from land. I tried to reproduce the parable the best that I could, and found this parable to be wonderful.Continue Reading

The following story comes to us from Ezra Taft Benson, in his book entitled, “Come Unto Christ”. My wife shared this story with me today and I thought it was inspiring on so many levels! Whether you are talking about faith, listening to the Spirit, death, or angels, this storyContinue Reading

“Thou Hast Sought My Will” Elder Dean L. Larsen writes of a Sabbath observing farmer who was troubled and dismayed to see his Sabbath-breaking neighbor bring in far better crops with a much higher, more profitable yield. But in such times of seeming injustice, we must remember that God’s accountsContinue Reading