The slides for this podcast are in pdf format here. The podcast outline with notes is here. To see a color-coded version of the two narratives of P and J that together compose the Flood narrative, go here. For a pdf copy of this color-coded text, go here.Continue Reading

D&C 89: The Word of Wisdom A Principle with Promise: Two layers to this idea On one level, this passage of scripture can be read as a principle with a promise. The principle essential teaches that as I take care of my physical body, heavenly wisdom, or spiritual light, canContinue Reading

D&C 77 Questions and Answers concerning St. John’s Ἀποκάλυψις Apokalypsis, or Revelation[1]ἀποκάλυψις definition:   1. Laying bare, making naked, 2. A disclosure of truth, instruction, 2a. Concerning things before unknown, 2b. Used of events by which things or states or … Continue reading In the form of questions and answers, the ProphetContinue Reading

Brief Overview: Doctrine and Covenants 19 is a very personal and theologically profound revelation given to Martin Harris through Joseph Smith in summer 1829. Martin was a prosperous and well-respected farmer in Wayne County, New York, who had supported Joseph Smith’s translation of the Book of Mormon and was nowContinue Reading

Ether 12-15 Show the two paths available to mankind: The Way of Life and the Way of Death These chapters show the two paths available to mankind: the path of leading unto life (Ether 12-13), and the path leading unto death (Ether 14-15). Both of these blocks of scripture useContinue Reading

In these chapters Jesus discusses the name of his church and defines what the gospel is. These simple truths lead to the 28th chapter where Mormon informs his readers that 3 of the Nephite 12 experienced a “transfiguration” (3 Nephi 28.17), something we call translation today. The coming forth ofContinue Reading

Who or what was Lilith – לִילִית lîylîyth? Listen to the audio as I go through the text of Isaiah 30-39 here. Lilith is the most popular demon in Jewish tradition. In some sources, she is conceived of as the original woman, created even before Eve, and she is oftenContinue Reading

An excerpt from his book Since Cumorah, chapter 10, pages 264-290. Prophets in the Wilderness The Desert Sectaries It is only in our own generation that we have begun to realize the enormous importance in Judaism and Christianity of the people who flee to the desert. They are not merelyContinue Reading

Some have worried about God telling Abraham to lie about his wife. Certainly, it seems deceptive. Certainly, in conveys a falsehood. How can we come to terms with this? Well, one justification is that the life of this great prophet must be weighed in the balance. As Joseph Smith taught,Continue Reading