Devil Cast Out of Newel Knight Joseph Smith During this month of April [1830] I went on a visit to the residence of Mr. Joseph Knight, of Colesville, Broom co. N. Y., with whom and his family I had been previously acquainted, and of whose name I have above mentionedContinue Reading

“Brother Fordham Arose from His Bed” As told by Wilford Woodruff. Before starting on our missions to England, we were under the necessity of settling our families. A place called Commerce, afterwards named Nauvoo, was selected as the place at which our people should settle. I left Quincy in companyContinue Reading

The Conversion of Mrs. Bader Two missionaries had been enjoying a beautiful spring day until they knocked on the door of Mrs. Bader.  She hadn’t noticed the lovely day, and it soon became apparent that she didn’t feel there was anything of beauty in the whole world. As soon asContinue Reading

Raised from the Dead This story, true in every particular, shows the fulfillment of a prophecy made upon the head of Lorenzo Snow when he received a patriarchal blessing under the hands of the Prophet’s father, Joseph Smith, Senior. It was given in the Kirtland Temple, and among other thingsContinue Reading

Signs of the Times “Our loving Heavenly Father and His Son, Jehovah, with a knowledge of the end from the beginning, opened the heavens and a new dispensation to offset the calamities that They knew would come. The Apostle Paul described the forthcoming calamities as “perilous times.” For me, thisContinue Reading

The Golden Crane As a teacher of origami (the ancient Japanese art of paper folding) at the LaFarge Lifelong Learning Institute in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Art Beaudry was asked to represent the school at an exhibit at a large mall in Milwaukee. He decided to take along a couple hundred foldedContinue Reading

Are You Wishing to see the Signs and Power of God? By Joni Hilton Accessed from Meridian Magazine 10.31.16 I have often wondered how many Guardian Angels it takes to keep us all safe on the highways. I picture a comical scene on the other side of the veil, withContinue Reading