I always like to go through the narrative of David’s call to kingship as found in 1 Samuel. Right off the bat, we see three different narratives: He is chosen and anointed king by Samuel (1 Samuel 16.1-13). David is chosen due to his musical skill in healing King Saul’sContinue Reading

Marvelous Power John 11 shows the compassion that Jesus had for Mary and Martha as well as all of us. Most students of the Bible are familiar with the phrase “Jesus wept”. Many seminary students do not know the context of this particular verse of scripture. This is a greatContinue Reading

Nephite Temple Worship Compared to Israelite Texts The following is a portion of an article by Don Bradley entitled “Piercing the Veil: Temple Worship in the Lost 116 Pages.” This was a presentation given at the FairMormon Conference in 2012. Don’s position is that the Nephites worked to replicate theContinue Reading

Discovered in western Thebes, Egypt, in 1896 by W.F. Petrie, the hieroglyphic inscription on this stele from 1208 B.C.E. contains the earliest surviving reference to “Israel” outside of the text of the Bible. The text on the stele commemorates a military campaign against Libya in the fifth regnal year ofContinue Reading

The Amarna Letters are diplomatic correspondence on cuneiform tablets, most of which were discovered in 1887 at Tel el-Amarna, about 180 miles south of Cairo, Egypt. The Egyptian king Akhenaten (Amenhotep IV, 1352-1336 B.C.) founded Amarna, called Akhetaten anciently, as his new capital city. While the majority of these 380+Continue Reading

The doublets in the Pentateuch Have you ever read parts of the first five books of Moses in the Old Testament and thought, “Didn’t I just read this story? Why is it happening again?” Whether we are talking about the creation of the world, or Jacob getting a name change,Continue Reading

What did the Deuteronomist reform? How did Josiah’s reign change the religion of the Israelites/The Kingdom of Judah? King Josiah changed the religion of Israel in the mid-seventh century BCE in several significant ways. According to the Old Testament account in 2 Kings 23, he removed all of the thingsContinue Reading

Today I was in a meeting listening to Elder and Sister Renlund. They both shared a wonderful parable about a man who was stranded in the open ocean, 30 miles from land. I tried to reproduce the parable the best that I could, and found this parable to be wonderful.Continue Reading