D&C 46 Given March 8, 1831… The question of how the Church is to conduct religious services was engaged in this revelation. It is good to remember that so many of the revelations of the Restoration are the result of questions. Questions open the door to understanding and when combinedContinue Reading

D&C 30-36 There is quite a bit to cover in this segment of scripture. The context (at least in Joseph Smith’s life) is that of Joseph’s early work in the Bible translation, something we introduced back in our podcast covering D&C 29. Section 30 is given to David, Peter andContinue Reading

In this podcast, we will cover Section 25 first, examining three ways to interpret and apply this scripture. In the subsequent podcast we discussed sections 23, 24, and 26. The Show Notes reflect an overall view of all of these sections. D&C 23-26 Show Notes D&C 23 April 1830 revelationContinue Reading

D&C 12 is given to Joseph Knight Sr., at Harmony, Pennsylvania, May 1829. Who was Joseph Knight and what was his association with the Prophet Joseph Smith? How is D&C 12 like other revelations? How does this section of scripture apply to us? Joseph Knight (1772-1847, dies at Mount Pisgah,Continue Reading

In 2 Nephi 4 Lehi gives a blessing to the sons of Laman and Lemuel, his grand children. He says: Wherefore, after my father had made an end of speaking concerning the prophecies of Joseph, he called the children of Laman, his sons, and his daughters, and said unto them:Continue Reading

Enos had a struggle to know the Lord. Many people today do as well. I believe a key to gaining a testimony of Jesus Christ and the Restoration is to want to know the truth, as well as have an honest heart. An honest heart to me means that youContinue Reading

There is a purpose and a plan in all suffering When faced with adversity, we might ask Heavenly Father, “Why me?” But do we think to ask in times of bounteous blessings, “Why am I so blessed?”  Jesus’ comments in John 9:3 are not vague. His disciples ask why theContinue Reading

In 1837, Elders Heber C. Kimball, Willard Richards, Orson Hyde, and Isaac Russell were laboring as missionaries in Preston, England. 1 They were sharing a three-story flat on Wilford Street when the unthinkable happened. On Sunday, July 30, sometime around daybreak, Elder Russell rushed into the room of Elders KimballContinue Reading