From Ezekiel 34 to the end of his book, Ezekiel focuses on the latter days, emphasizing events far in the future, removed from his world of 600 B.C.  His focus narrows on the restoration of the house of Israel both physically and spiritually, the reunion of the kingdoms of JudahContinue Reading

There is an increasing sentiment among some seminary students that the world is overpopulated, running out of resources and that the future looks bleak.  Many students have expressed to me thoughts such as, “What’s the use?  The world is going to end anyways.  Why get married and have children?  WillContinue Reading

Zebedee Coltrin Shares His Experiences  Presidents John Taylor and George Q. Cannon, Apostles Erastus Snow, Brigham Young, Francis M. Lyman, and Heber J. Grant, and Elders L. John Nuttall and Zebedee Coltrin present. Brother Zebedee Coltrin said:  I believe I am the only living man now in the church whoContinue Reading

Sometime into the teaching of this section, I was reminded of a story I heard about Florence Chadwick.  This story has great application in the lives of youth in keeping true to their covenants in the midst of trials and living in a time with so much uncertainty. On JulyContinue Reading

Of all the sections in the Doctrine and Covenants, this section contains more names of individuals than any other.  While the message of this section focuses on building the temple in Nauvoo and the construction of the Nauvoo house, I took this opportunity to discuss with the youth the peopleContinue Reading

D&C 111 Joseph has many debts incurred by the church.  A man by the name of Burgess stated that there was a large amount of money stashed in the cellar of a certain home in Salem, Massachusetts.  Joseph, Sidney Rigdon, Hyrum, and Oliver go to look for the home and cannot findContinue Reading

This story illustrates our tendency to want quick fixes to our problems.  If you approach D&C 111 from this angle, this story helps to show the results that come from seeking “quick fixes”.  The author’s conclusion would be modified by taking a look at Jacob 2:18 – the real purposeContinue Reading