Joseph Smith writes a letter to W.W. Phelps “I proceed to unfold to you some of the feelings of my heart and proceed to answer the question.” – Joseph Smith to W.W. Phelps, letter dated Nov. 27, 1832.[1]In this letter to W.W. Phelps, Joseph speaks of the inadequacies of language.Continue Reading

D&C 84 September 22-23, 1832 Historical Background Garrett and Robinson give the following insightful commentary to set up the historical background of this section: After spending two weeks in Missouri “sitting in council with the Saints,” organizing the Missouri branch of the united firm, and providing for the establishment ofContinue Reading

Doctrine and Covenants 81-83 Quotes and Notes D&C 81 Presidency of the High Priesthood – Frederick G. Williams Section 81 was received March 7, 1832, just days before Joseph Smith is brutally attacked on the night of March 24, 1832 outside of the Johnson family farm in Ohio. As thisContinue Reading

D&C 77 Questions and Answers concerning St. John’s Ἀποκάλυψις Apokalypsis, or Revelation[1]ἀποκάλυψις definition:   1. Laying bare, making naked, 2. A disclosure of truth, instruction, 2a. Concerning things before unknown, 2b. Used of events by which things or states or … Continue reading In the form of questions and answers, the ProphetContinue Reading

D&C 71 Sidney Rigdon and Joseph Smith are to go and preach to counteract the damaging work of Ezra Booth, the first apostate from the church.[1]Smith, History of the Church, 1:175-221. They will do this from the time of this revelation (December 1, 1831) until January 10, 1832 (section 73). 71.1-4 OpenContinue Reading

November 1 to November 12, 1831 was a time of prodigous revelation.  In conference with several elders in this young restored church, the Prophet Joseph Smith would receive six revelations in just 12 days. Sections 67-70 are included in the Doctrine and Covenants in chronological order. Section 1 and SectionContinue Reading

D&C 58 August 1, 1831 Twelve days prior to this revelation, Joseph Smith identified the place of the New Jerusalem and the building of the great temple of the latter days— that place being Independence, Missouri. Two days after this revelation was received, the Prophet dedicated the land for thisContinue Reading

For the first part of this podcast, Bryce went through several verses us scripture to lay out the understanding of what the early Saints were expecting regarding Zion and its establishment. From his coverage of the Book of Mormon, and the early revelations, clearly the Saints expected to be gatheredContinue Reading

D&C 46 Given March 8, 1831… The question of how the Church is to conduct religious services was engaged in this revelation. It is good to remember that so many of the revelations of the Restoration are the result of questions. Questions open the door to understanding and when combinedContinue Reading

The arrival of the Prophet in Kirtland, Ohio, marked the beginning of a period of rapid growth in the young Church. By June of 1831 its membership numbered more than two thousand. As was to be expected, this growth excited a great deal of opposition. Civic leaders, ministers, newspaper editors,Continue Reading