Much of the background to this section is related in the previous discussion surrounding the events in D&C 115-120, events surrounding the details of the Mormon War of 1838.[1]Leland Gentry and Todd Compton, Fire and Sword: A History of the Latterday-Saints in Northern Missouri, 1836-1839, Greg Kofford Books, 2010.; Stephen LeSueur, TheContinue Reading

D&C 115-120 Quotes and Notes We worked to make sure that the majority of what we cover in this podcast is in our show notes. However, there is so much material in this podcast, that we were unable to put everything in these notes, and for this, I apologize. MuchContinue Reading

Historical Background to Section 111 After the great spirit that was felt at the dedication of the Kirtland temple in the spring of 1836, missionaries for the church left in every direction to go and preach the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. Bishop Edward Partridge, who had come north toContinue Reading

D&C 109 The Dedicatory Prayer of the Kirtland Temple – March 27, 1836 Historical Background The following background information provided by Ostler and McConkie is valuable: In preparation for the dedication of the Kirtland Temple, the Prophet Joseph Smith, Sidney Rigdon, and Oliver Cowdery, as well as Warren A. CowderyContinue Reading

D&C 106 Directions to Warren A. Cowdery About 8 months before this revelation was received, the Prophet Joseph Smith was on a mission in New York in March of 1834. It was at this time that Joseph established the Freedom, New York branch. Joseph Smith documented that on “Sunday, MarchContinue Reading

D&C 98 August 6, 1833 The historical background, much of which provided here by Garrett and Robinson is worthy of note: Although Joseph Smith wrote almost nothing about the reception of Doctrine and Covenants 98 in his History of the Church, that revelation was one of three Joseph included in a letterContinue Reading

D&C 94 Historical background May 6- August 6 1833 In December 1832 (see D&C 88:119) and again in March 1833 (see D&C 90:7–9), the Saints in Ohio were commanded to build a temple at Kirtland. On 23 March 1833, a conference of Church leaders met in the schoolroom above theContinue Reading

May 6, 1833 The historical background from Robinson and Garrett is insightful Doctrinally, Doctrine and Covenants 93 is one of the more informative and important revelations in the Doctrine and Covenants, yet the Prophet gives almost no historical information concerning its reception. He simply recorded, “May 6.—I received the following.”[1]Smith,Continue Reading

D&C 89: The Word of Wisdom A Principle with Promise: Two layers to this idea On one level, this passage of scripture can be read as a principle with a promise. The principle essential teaches that as I take care of my physical body, heavenly wisdom, or spiritual light, canContinue Reading

The Olive Leaf plucked from the tree of paradise The revelation recorded in Doctrine and Covenants 88 was given through the Prophet Joseph Smith at Kirtland, Ohio, in the translating room of the Whitney store. Receipt of the revelation spanned three days, 27 through 28 December 1832, and 3 JanuaryContinue Reading